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XSDI <br />Sol PP ESE NCI EEC <br />Project Management During New System Implementation <br />SDI is prepared to provide project management support for the City's ERP implementation utilizing both <br />an overarching project management framework, and the application of a specific Work Plan as outlined <br />in the next section of our proposal. The three major project management categories are described as <br />follows: <br />Plan -- coordinating future project activities in conjunction with various project participants <br />• Review software provider's Statement of Work and coordinating the project kickoff <br />• Develop implementation project plan in coordination with software provider's project manager <br />Communicate — disseminating project activities and information to project participants <br />• Attend project meetings, Executive Steering Committee meetings, and other related meetings <br />• Complete regular project status reports <br />• Update SharePoint information <br />• Review and distribute software provider's project meeting agendas <br />• Review Software provider's site reports <br />• Review project issues log regularly with Software provider's project manager, work to resolve <br />issues, and communicate issues status with project team <br />• Monitor and report on potential project risks <br />Execute — completing or overseeing specific tasks associated with the project <br />• Coordinate scope change requests <br />• Process product enhancement requests <br />• Coordinate software development requests <br />• Assist with establishment of training accounts for users <br />• Coordinate software installation <br />• Coordinate staff training <br />• Coordinate user acceptance training <br />• Plan go -live activities in conjunction with software provider's project manager <br />• Work with staff on change management efforts <br />• Coordinate final acceptance process <br />Provided on the following pages is SDI's project management framework that we utilize when managing <br />the implementation of complex business applications. This framework was developed to help minimize <br />risk, increase opportunities for efficiencies, and ensure that the implementation project remains on <br />schedule. Our approach to these projects is to remain flexible, focus on tasks that the City directs us to <br />complete, and work collaboratively with the City to ensure that we are maximizing the use of available <br />resources. SDI is open to modifying and/or adjusting the proposed tasks and is flexible about where our <br />efforts are directed over the course of the project. <br />P10120501 tO City of _5LOLJ Ar70 <br />ERP Consulting Services <br />September 9, 2022 <br />