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._ _ _ _ _ Appendix <br />ATTACHMENT 3-3: NUN -DISCRIMINATION CERTIFICATION <br />rr•.r�Yr w-rc,�Tr«lv,� <br />I Ilk' L1l%1Ql,ig11Ccl CLIHSLalt.tltt ill- CLIVP01111e 01'111ti=r. during the pert'W-nia ace of this contract. ecrtilies as <br />I lie C'onsultanl Sllull not disc:rimi[late dgLlirltit ally enlplcsyea or applieallt lilr rr11pl()Nellelit het:rrLeSt~ of <br />race. Color. rcligion. Ne;. or 11,11ional orititl, -1110 Consiltant shall take €ltfirmati\c action to entiurc <br />111aL apfllicallLS alre e111ployod, all:] plat enlployces are treated dUring eeilplLINIllent wilhoUt. regatta t(I <br />their race. color. relighm. sex_ Or nationall uri--ill. Such action snail include, Kll 1101 he limited it), the <br />lil]linA in0Slllill+Yllaellt. upgraLling. cicrnclticlrt. or transfer: NCYllitnletlt or NCruitlnl nt advertising: <br />I;i�cll'l' or termillation. ratek, o1' rax or caller 111mis of compenSatiLlll; and SCICCti011 I'or training. <br />illehkling a11111—c ltiueship. The C'011hUitant agrees to p05t in C011SPieuouti l]1UCCS. avttilablc tcti <br />elnllloyccs and applicants 1i+r emillo\ment. notices it) be provided setting forth the pruvisiclns of this <br />nondiscritnitna3t'on CIaL[W. <br />2. [lie C (II1'LlltaalL ~hall. in all solicitattions or ltclvertisenicntt far erllpin!ees platted by or On behall'nl' <br />the ( 011SWIM11. State that all qualified al3plilcmt i vvill receive LUnSIdC i'il[14711 f 61- 011pIOV11lent Withllul <br />regard to rat". color. religion. sex. or national origin. <br />l he ColasulLailL Shall selld LU each lahor omit,/// or representative of workers with which lw/she has at <br />collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding. a notice to he provided radv-1511)g <br />the said labor union or v orders' representatives of the Consultallt's conllllitnlents under this; section. <br />and shall post topics of the notice ill conspicuous places available to employees and applicants For <br />employllaent. <br />4. '1 lie C onsulLant shall comply- with all provision, of Execrative Order 11 14€1 of September 24. 1965. <br />and oFthe rules. regulations. and reie:vant orders of the Secretary of Labor. <br />5. 1-lie Consultant shall r'urnish all information and reports required by hXCCUtiVC Order 11246 of <br />September 24. I965. and bV rules. regulations. and orders of the Secretary of Labor. or pursuant <br />thereto. and will pellllit access to his/her books. records. and accounts by the administering agenc4 <br />.and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation. to ascertain complitutce with such rules, <br />regulations. and orders. <br />ta. It, the event of the Consultant's non-comPliancE with the nondiscrimifiat ion clauses of this contract <br />or with any of the said rules. wiullutions. or orders. the contract may he canceled, lcrmiilatted. or <br />suspended in whole or in part and the Consultant may be declared ineligible for further Ciovcmincnt <br />contracts or federally assisted construction contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in <br />FNecution Order 11246 of September 24. I905, and such other sanctions may be inailoscd and <br />remedies invoked as provided in EXCCutive Order 11246 of September 24. 1965. or by ruie. <br />regulations_ or order of Lf1e Secretary of l.ahor. or as otherwise provided by late•. <br />7. The ConSLlltant shall include the portion of the sentence immediately preceding paragraph ( I ) and <br />the provisions Ell'paragraphs ( l ) throu,h (7) in every- Subcontract ar 1rLtrchase order unless exempted <br />Cty of Santa Ana RFP <br />Page A3.3 <br />