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<br />Goal Statement: <br />By the end of the performance period, HDIS data for the Orange County Continum of Care will show 16,178 total people accessing services who are experiencing homelessness <br />annually, representing 1,142 fewer people and a 16.65% reduction from the baseline. <br />*Please be sure to copy and paste the goal statement f￿om this application template to Cognito, and only update the fields in [b￿acket￿. <br />iGoal Narrative: The Orange County CoC will pro￿ide regional goals. Once this informat.ion is pro￿jded, these sections will be complete. <br />Outcome Goals July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2025Baseline Data:Target Annual Estimate of# of people <br />accessing ser￿ices who are experiencing <br />homelessness <br />Annual estimate of number of people accessing ser￿ices who are <br />experiencing homelessness Change in# of People Change as % of Baseline <br />16.65 % reduction16,178 people annually l, 142 fewer people annualy 779 <br />￿￿de!_￿￿r￿ed Populations and Populations Dispropo￿ionately Impacted by Homelessness <br />Describe any underserved and/ or disproportionately Impacted population(s) that your community will <br />especially <br />Describe the trackable data goal(s) related to this Outcome <br />Goal: <br />I Ifocus on related to this Outcome Goal and how this focus has been informed by data in your landscape assessment: Note: Meeting the trackable data goals for the underserved populations is <br />not <br />required for eligibility for Bonus Funds.Analysis of the 2022 PIT data and the 2016-2020 US Census dale for the County of Orange indicates the following population data Reduce the number of Black, Lalin X and lndigineous people experiencing homelessness by <br />for underserved/disporportionately impacted populations: Blacks- 2.2% of population in the County, 6.22% of the unsheltered <br />population and 11% of sheltered population. Hispanic- 34% of population in the County, 34% unsheltered and 54% sheltered. <br />Mixed Race 4% of population in the County, 20% unsheltered and 3% sheltered. Our community will especialy focus on these <br />populations, with an extra focus on underserved youth and seniors, related to this outcome goal. <br />10% annually, with a focus on street outreach. Require that the contracted outreach <br />organization hire workers that are relatable to the community, understand that disparities exist <br />and strive to get this population housed and off of the streets. By hiring outreach workers that <br />meet the follwoing needs: I. Bilingual . <br />2. Are of Black, Latin X and/or lndeginious decent so that the community finds them relatable <br />and approachable. <br />Outcome Goal#1b. Reducing the number of persons experiencing homelessness on a daily basis.