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9 <br /> <br />address may be with the local jails, who release inmates in the early morning hours <br />without a plan for transportation or housing. Outreach and engagement teams are in the <br />field seven days a week to address individuals in need, which may include individuals <br />that have exited from an institutional setting. <br /> <br />The City’s One-Stop Center, workforce development, assists individuals with both <br />employment and education resources. Services at this Center support individuals in <br />becoming independent from government programs. Santa Ana also has a long history <br />of working closely with the Santa Ana Unified School District. Together, we leverage <br />funds to assist a number of families in need by providing shelter and needed services. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Lastly, Santa Ana works separately with the CoC on a Santa Ana By-Name list to <br />ensure that Santa Ana individuals are not lost in the shuffle. Meetings are facilitated by <br />2-1-1 Orange County and staff in attendance include those who have assessed an <br />applicant such as staff with mobile outreach and shelter operators. The City of Santa <br />works closely with funded housing providers to ensure that applicants matched to <br />housing are matched and to ensure a warm hand off can be offered. <br /> <br />Goal 3: Reduce the number of Santa Ana’s unsheltered homeless and those returning <br />to homelessness. <br />790 <br />595 <br />1122365 <br />1082 <br />35 <br />Race of Individuals Contacted by Outreach Services In <br />2021 (excludes SAPD contacts) <br />Hispanic/Latino <br />Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino <br />Black or Afrincan American <br />Asian <br />American Indian or Alaska Native <br />Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific <br />Islander <br />White <br />Multiple Races