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w+: centaman <br />iv. any alteration or m ifi-cation of tlw operaxidIg System COMfigurat100, dPrtig-S, Or patarneivrs wr'thgut <br />the wrinen consent of Ctntaman-. or V. unstable electmity supply. flood, water, 5rnice, fire, heat 51orm. <br />xt of God' qr <br />wi. uandalism ar fndli{doUS damage: or riii- irtfMion of instaliled rrnachinR %9.Ch a Minus, 5ppware. or other <br />inaldizio s Software. <br />C The Customer agrees to manage or contrart to other qualified poi .ies the fallowing services and to provida <br />Centarnan w u h tlF@ details o f the Cu4tOMLLr's 501 vtion: <br />i Nmwotk i nfr astrutture, cabding, imternex arxe55 and h rewall. and <br />ii. i-PardWare wh-arhi�r supplied I?yr the Cu$t mer, Cvntaman or a 3rd party, and <br />id. M'Wrosofa r►t#work, Operafiing Sy5tem. u5emames. and sVstem security; and <br />iv b.'IEr: row"I 5QL Server database admifi-stration as recommended by Nfirrosofr_ and <br />v. Ano-wifu5 ai d anti-m,lware far all CQilrrected �ardv4are <br />wi. hack -rip and Disaster Recovery irK1udi!ng mock-up of tf%a Cantararti S#5ftwae&_ daraha�&, aid <br />Wnfrguratkort 5ekting5 The Custom-erwl11 implement text. manap and nma-ntain a 65aster re oyes <br />plan <br />wii. Instal latian. confrguratton and trouble -shoot ing a f the Ceritarrian $u#tware inrlka IlatiOn onto a <br />workstation lor FOS terminal. <br />viii Tier I Support for eiwd-users including finding of svppgrt rratls. e"ii5, and :Ca5es from arlyr ead mer <br />of tha 5ofrtiware arkd ir,vc&e-s vari Fcariorw of the rswe, feprax:uCang the test -case, path to rescli_rkaon amd <br />dncurritkntiney thm fMding$ in the {e�€e mXe5. <br />D Cu-5toan Repom or Cuslumer :EnharK vrnents are not irictuded in SO wra{a Support an-d are rim cowered by <br />the arinval Fees wfcept where toy+ hipye been included in the product development as part of the <br />commercia`ly available version at the 5oFt wage and are provided with the Software Upgl`actei. C"taman alfers <br />these services fY an additional Foe which may he quoted by lfx-@ Atcou n t Manager and the terms at whch will <br />be on a project bv- project basis. <br />. Software Upgrades and Maintenance <br />TFtP Cu-stomar i5 entitled to re.-.-. oe. at n.o addit anak {harge. all produt upgradec aM mi ar,cements for thv <br />Sottware and DoCumeWation for the campoisents listed iri the Software- t,r:enSm sei;oun of this Contract far <br />wNrli they have paid this annual Feat. <br />Te5tirig, i -istallation and applying Software DRgrAdes CanSUn-LL35resour-Ces for toRh :fte CUspomer and <br />42 <br />02022 Centamari, Inc, All rights reserved, <br />