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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />stress (i.e. child abuse investigators, crime scene investigators, and dispatchers) to <br />ensure the group's ongoing well-being. <br />2. Hold a post-critical incident meeting ahead of a formal debriefing to discuss normal <br />reactions to stress and healthy methods to process stress. When necessary, such <br />meetings shall be conducted prior to the affected employee's end of watch. <br />3. Facilitate post-incident group debriefings with affected employees following a critical <br />incident. Such debriefings should ideally be held within 24-72 hours of the incident but, <br />given the need to coordinate varying work schedules, shall be conducted as close in time <br />to the incident as practical. <br />F. Consultation Seivices <br />On-call status is required to respond to criminal incidents such as SWAT call-outs or major <br />investigations as requested. <br />Consultant shall: <br />1. Consult with the Department's management regarding psychological <br />profiles and recommended approach to addressing specific suspects. <br />2. ASSiSt in interpreting intelligence data in reference to criminal incidents and/or <br />suspect. <br />G. Psychological Training Services <br />Provide City's Police Department employees with relevant psychological training to assist in <br />the providing organizational wellness services. Consultant shall: <br />1. Provide training to members of Police Department including, but not limited to, peer <br />support services, crisis intervention stress management, and suicide <br />intervention/prevention training. <br />RFP No. 22-087 Psychological Evaluation and Counseling Services Page 21 of 36