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Ordinance No. NS - ____ <br />Page 25 of 46 <br />communicated to the applicant, and the Fair Return Petition shall not be processed until <br />the applicant has paid to the City the estimated cost of the complete analysis. City will <br />provide applicant with an invoice of all costs incurred after the review of the Fair Return <br />Petition. Any unused portion of the advance payment for analysis shall be refunded to <br />the applicant. If additional funds are required, payment will be required before applicant <br />receives the determination on the Fair Return Petition from the City. <br /> <br />(c) The factors the City Manager may consider in deciding a Fair Return <br />Petition may include, but not be limited to: <br /> <br />(1) Changes in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers in <br />the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim Metropolitan Area published <br />by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. <br /> <br />(2) The rent lawfully charged for comparable residential real property <br />or mobilehome spaces in the City. <br /> <br />(3) The length of time since the last determination by the City Manager <br />on a rent increase application, or the last rent increase if no <br />previous rent increase application has been made. <br /> <br />(4) The completion of any capital improvements or rehabilitation work <br />related to the residential real property or mobilehome space or <br />spaces specified in the Fair Return Petition, and the cost thereof, <br />including materials, labor, construction interest, permit fees, and <br />other items the City Manager deems appropriate. <br /> <br />(5) Changes in property taxes or other taxes related to the subject <br />residential real property or mobilehome park. <br /> <br />(6) Changes in the rent paid by the applicant for the lease of the <br />residential real property or land on which the subject mobilehome <br />park is located. <br /> <br />(7) Changes in the utility charges for the subject residential real <br />property or mobilehome park paid by the applicant, and the extent, <br />if any, of reimbursement from the tenants. <br /> <br />(8) Changes in reasonable operating and maintenance expenses. <br /> <br />(9) The need for repairs caused by circumstances other than ordinary <br />wear and tear. <br /> <br />(10) The amount and quality of services provided by the applicant to the <br />affected tenant(s). <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 2