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State of California  The Resources Agency Primary #__________________________________________ <br />DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI#______________________________________________ <br />BUILDING, STRUCTURE, AND OBJECT RECORD <br />Page 2 of 3 *NRHP Status Code_5S3_________________________ <br />*Resource Name or #: Dr. Mabel A. Geddes House <br />B1. Historic Name: Dr. Mabel A. Geddes House <br />B2. Common Name: Same <br />B3. Original Use: Single-Family Residence B4. Present Use: Single-Family Residence <br />*B5. Architectural Style: Monterey Revival <br />*B6. Construction History: (Construction date, alterations, and date of alterations): Constructed March 5, 1936. $7,500. <br />August 10, 1942. Addition to garage by owner. $50. <br />May 11, 1992. Reroof without tear-off. $1,840. <br />April 8, 2008. Reroof w/t.o.- remove and apply comp shingles to SFD and detached garage. $6,360. <br />*B7. Moved?No Yes Unknown Date:__________Original location:_______ _______ <br />*B8. Related Features: Detached Garage. <br />B9a. Architect:Unknown b. Builder: Jasper Farney <br />*B10. Significance: Theme Residential Architecture Area Santa Ana <br />Period of Significance: 1936 Property Type: Single-Family Residence Applicable Criteria: C/3 <br />(Discuss importance in terms of historical or architectural context as defined by theme, period, and geographic scope. Also address integrity) <br />The Dr. Mabel A. Geddes House is architecturally significant as an intact and characteristic example of the Monterey Revival <br />architectural style in Santa Ana. Substantially intact, the property was built in 1936 by Jasper Farney, partner in the prominent <br />Santa Ana construction and development company of Honer, Herzig, and Farney. The home was built for Dr. Mabel A. <br />Geddes and her husband William Geddes, who resided on the property with their three sons, David, John, and Francis. Dr. <br />Mabel A. Geddes was a supervisor of health for Orange County schools, Board member of the Young Women’s Christian <br />Association (YWCA) of Santa Ana, and a Chairperson of Orange County Nutrition Committee. David Geddes went on to <br />become a doctor and was a leading Orange County psychiatrist for 50 years, and responsible for founding the Rush Center <br />for psychiatric care at St. Joseph Medical Center in Orange. Dr. Mabel A. Geddes and her family resided on the property until <br />mid- to late-1970s. According to City directories, the property was occupied by Robert Bruce and Alice Sinclair. City <br />directories show that they resided on the property until 2010 before the property was transferred or bought by Kimberly <br />Sinclair. Kimberly Sinclair remained at the property until the current owner’s purchased the property. <br />(See Continuation Sheet 3 of 3.) <br />B11. Additional Resource Attributes: (List attributes and codes) <br /> <br />*B12. References: <br />City of Santa Ana Building Permits <br />Santa Ana History Room Collection, Santa Ana Public Library <br /> Sanborn Maps <br />(See Continuation Sheet 3 of 3.) <br />B13. Remarks: <br />*B14. Evaluator: Leslie Heumann/Chattel, Inc. <br />*Date of Evaluation: July7, 2022 <br />DPR 523B (1/95) *Required information <br />Sketch Map <br /> <br />(This space reserved for official comments.) <br />Dr. Mabel A. Geddes House <br />1916 Greenleaf Street <br />N