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Item 16 - Approval of Historic Property Preservation Agreements
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09/06/2022 Special and Regular & HA & Special SA
Item 16 - Approval of Historic Property Preservation Agreements
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City Clerk
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Clerk of the Council
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br />Dr. Mabel A. Geddes House <br />1916 Greenleaf Street <br />Santa Ana, CA 92706 <br />NAME Dr. Mabel A. Geddes House REF. NO. <br />ADDRESS 1916 Greenleaf Street <br />CITY Santa Ana ZIP 92706 ORANGE COUNTY <br />YEAR BUILT 1936 LOCAL REGISTER CATEGORY: Contributive <br />HISTORIC DISTRICT N/A NEIGHBORHOOD Floral Park <br />CALIFORNIA REGISTER CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION 3 CALIFORNIA REGISTER STATUS CODE 5S3 <br />Location: Not for Publication Unrestricted <br /> Prehistoric Historic Both <br />ARCHITECTURAL STYLE: Monterey Revival <br />The Monterey is a free interpretation of the Anglo-influenced Spanish Colonial houses of northern California. These <br />blended Spanish adobe construction with pitched-roof, massed-plan English shapes brought to California from New <br />England. However, the key identifying feature of the Monterey – was derived from house forms built in the southeastern <br />United States, the Caribbean, and the Bahamas. The 1834 Larking House in Monterey, California, is generally identified <br />as the first of this distinctive form of early pitched-roof Spanish Colonial houses. Thomas Oliver Larkin, the owner- <br />designer of it, had traveled in South Carolina and Bermuda, where similar houses were found. California architect Roland <br />E.Coate, Sr., played a crucial role in reviving the style. Between 1929 and 1932 he wrote about the early Monterey <br />homes, designed at least two homes in the Monterey, and won a prestigious Better Homes in American Awards for an <br />elegant Santa Barbara example. His efforts helped bring the style to the attention of both professionals and the public. <br />Some early examples from 1925 to 1940 have Spanish detailing, while those from the 1940s and 1950s generally include <br />only English Colonial details. A third, less common, variation was sometimes called Creole French; these had decorative <br />iron balconies inspired by the upper-level balconies found in the Vieux Carré in New Orleans. Though scattered examples <br />of Monterey houses occur throughout the country in suburbs built during the second quarter of the 20th Century, they are <br />perhaps most common in California and Texas. (McAlester, pp. 539-540). <br />SUMMARY/CONCLUSION: <br />The Dr. Mabel A. Geddes House qualifies for listing in the Santa Ana Register of Historical Properties under Criterion 1 as <br />an example of the Monterey Revival style in Santa Ana. Additionally, the house has been categorized as “Contributive” <br />because it contributes to the overall character and history of Floral Park and is a representative example of Monterey <br />Revival architecture (Municipal Code, Section 30-2.2). <br />EXPLANATION OF CODES: <br />•California Register Criteria for Evaluation: (From California Office of Historic Preservation, Technical Assistance <br />Series # 7, “How to Nominate Resources to the California Register of Historical Resources,” September 4, 2001.) <br />3: It embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, or <br />represents the work of a master, or possesses high artistic values. <br />•It embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, or represents the <br />work of a master, or possesses high artistic values. <br />5S3: Individual property that is listed or designated locally. <br />Exhibit B
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