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HRCA No. 2022-12, HRC 2022-8, HPPA No. 2022-11 – Dr. Mabel A. Geddes House <br />July 7, 2022 <br />Page 3 <br />2 <br />7 <br />4 <br />5 <br />each flanked by a single wood shutter. Along the north, south, and west elevations, the <br />building incorporates a series of double-hung wood windows and multi-light casement <br />windows. The west (rear) elevation features a second story balcony while an exterior <br />brick chimney is attached to the side (north) elevation and rises above the roof ridgeline. <br />The property is landscaped with a mature tree, a lawn, and low vegetation at the front <br />setback. The driveway leads to a one-story, stucco-clad, one-car garage, built at the <br />same time as the residence. The house appears intact and has been maintained in <br />good condition. Character defining features of the Dr. Mabel A. Geddes House that <br />should be preserved include, but may not be limited to, massing and composition, <br />consisting of a hipped roof body with a hipped roof wing projecting in the north third of <br />the (east) facade; partial width balcony cantilevered beneath the shelter of the main roof <br />on extended beams from the south two-thirds of the façade; wood posts and wrought <br />iron railing enclosing the balcony; open veranda below the balcony; combination of brick <br />and stucco exterior siding; flat-headed entry topped by three-light transom; and <br />casement windows and French doors. <br />The Dr. Mabel A. Geddes House qualifies for listing in the Santa Ana Register of Historical <br />Properties under Criterion 1 as an example of the Monterey Revival style in Santa Ana. <br />Additionally, the house has been categorized as “Contributive” because it contributes to <br />the overall character and history of Floral Park and is a representative example of <br />Monterey Revival architecture. <br />Mills Act Agreement <br />Ordinance No. NS-2382 authorized the Historic Resources Commission to execute <br />Historic Property Preservation Agreements (HPPA), commonly known as Mills Act <br />agreements for eligible properties (Exhibit 2). To be eligible for the Mills Act, the <br />property must be listed on the Santa Ana Register of Historical Properties. The Historic <br />Resources Commission Application and Historic Register Categorization actions <br />proposed for this site authorize the listing of the property on the local register. The <br />agreement provides monetary incentives to the property owner in the form of a property <br />tax reduction in exchange for the owner’s voluntary commitment to maintain the <br />property in a good state of repair as necessary to maintain its character and <br />appearance. Once recorded, the agreement generates a different valuation method in <br />determining the property’s assessed value, resulting in tax savings for the owner. Aside <br />from the tax savings, the benefits include: <br />Long term preservation of the property and visual improvement to the neighborhood <br />Allows for a mechanism to provide for property rehabilitation <br />Provides additional incentive for potential buyers to purchase historic structures <br />Discourages inappropriate alterations to the property