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How is Orange County Addressing Homelessness? <br /> <br />2021-2022 Orange County Grand Jury Page 6 <br /> <br />The CoC vision is to develop a dignified and equitable system to permanently house those <br />experiencing homelessness, on a collaborative and regional basis, to allocate funds to match the <br />greatest needs. <br />Prioritizing Homeless Funding <br />The CoC Board is responsible for the distribution of federal, state, and local funding to address <br />homelessness. These dollars are restricted for specific uses by the funding sources. The CoC <br />prioritizes awarding contracts based on four strategic pillars, and the OCC administers, monitors, <br />and evaluates the contracts. The four pillars are: <br />1. Prevention - short-term intervention to keep people in their homes, avoid eviction, and <br />stabilize their housing. <br />2. Outreach - seeking, reaching out to, and engaging individuals as a first step towards ending <br />their homelessness and providing services to develop self-sufficiency and independence. <br />3. Shelters- temporary residence providing protection from exposure and a safety net for the <br />homeless. <br />4. Housing - including housing coupled with treatment and supportive services enables greater <br />potential success of homeless individuals suffering from mental illness and substance abuse. <br /> <br /> <br />Source: Office of Care Coordination.17 <br /> <br />17 Contract Inventory 2021, Orange County Office of Care Coordination. <br />$16,369,867 <br />$30,015,965 <br />$5,578,591 <br />$910,062 <br />Housing <br />Shelter <br />Outreach <br />Prevention <br />OC CoC Annual Contracts by Pillar 2021