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EDD Contract No. M94363-7100 <br />EDD/City of Santa Ana <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />EXHIBIT B <br />BUDGET DETAIL AND PAYMENT PROVISIONS <br />(Standard Agreement) <br />1. Invoicing and Payment <br />A. The total amount of this Contract shall not exceed Sixty -Eight Thousand Five <br />Hundred Fifty -Three Dollars and Seventy -Two Cents ($68.553.72) in accordance <br />with the rates specified in Attachment B-1, Budget Detail, which is attached hereto and <br />made part of this contract. The invoice must reference the following: <br />• The EDD Contract Number: M94363-7100 <br />• Identifies in detail the goods acquired, quantities, unit price, extension, description, <br />etc. <br />• Sales tax and/or use tax as a separate line item from goods <br />• Identifies services (non -IT) provided, service period, unit price (i.e. per minute), and <br />quantity applicable to the service <br />• Accurate billing address as stated on the purchase order or contract <br />• Supplier invoice date <br />• Company name and remittance address <br />The invoice, in triplicate, in arrears shall be forwarded to the address shown below: <br />Employment Development Department <br />801 W. Civic Center, Suite 200 <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />Attn: Rhonda WootenSavino <br />rhonda.wootenna.edd. <br />2. Budget Contingency Clause <br />It is mutually understood between the parties that this Agreement may have been written <br />before ascertaining the availability of congressional and legislative appropriation of funds, <br />for the mutual benefit of both parties, in order to avoid program and fiscal delays which <br />would occur if the Agreement were executed after that determination was made. <br />This Agreement is valid and enforceable only if (1) sufficient funds are made available by <br />the State Budget Act of the appropriate State Fiscal Year(s) covered by this Agreement for <br />the purposes of this program; and (2) sufficient funds are made available to the State by the <br />United States Government or by the State of California for the Fiscal Year(s) covered by this <br />Agreement for the purposes of this program. In addition, this Agreement is subject to any <br />additional restrictions, limitations or conditions established by the United States Government <br />and/or the State of California, or any statute enacted by the Congress and Legislature, <br />which may affect the provisions, terms or funding of the Agreement in any manner. <br />The parties mutually agree that if the Congress and Legislature does not appropriate <br />sufficient funds for the program, this Agreement shall be amended to reflect any reduction in <br />funds. <br />The EDD has the option to terminate the Agreement under the 30-day termination clause or <br />to amend the Agreement to reflect any reduction of funds <br />