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FIRST AMENDMENT TO CONSULTANT AGREEMENT <br />HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />THIS FIRST AMENDMENT to the above-referenced agreement is entered into on June , 2022, <br />by and between National Credit Reporting (“Consultant”), and the Housing Authority of the City <br />of Santa Ana, a public body, corporate and politic (“Authority”). <br />RECITALS <br />A.On August 1, 2019, the Authority and Consultant entered into Agreement (1920-H-002) <br />(“Agreement”) for Consultant to provide background screening information services. The <br />Agreement is current and in-effect. <br />B.In accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, the Parties desire to amend the <br />Agreement to extend the term of the Agreement and increase the compensation for services <br />provided during the remainder of the term for this Agreement. <br />The Parties therefore agree: <br />1.Section 2, Compensation, is amended to increase the compensation for services provided by <br />$50,000. The total amount to be expended during the term of this Agreement shall not exceed <br />$95,000. <br />2.Section 3, Term, is hereby amended to extend the term of the Agreement by two (2) years <br />through June 30, 2024. <br />3.Except as modified by this First Amendment, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement <br />shall remain in full force and effect. <br />[signature page to follow] <br />EXHIBIT 1