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GrantAgreementNo. 4600011889 <br />Page 11 oj32 <br />Activity4 Engage Mutual Water Companies <br />The California Rural Water Association will engage with mutual water companies throughout the watershed to learn about <br />the strengths and needs of these organizations. <br />Deliverables: <br />❑ Report about each mutual water company water issues and needs <br />❑ Summary report of regional trends <br />Activity 5 Engage Water Agencies <br />SAWPA staff will engage with water agencies throughout the watershed to gather and summarize the understanding of <br />strengths and needs of disadvantaged and underrepresented communities within their water service areas. <br />Deliverables: <br />❑ Summary report of responses <br />Activity 6 Community Listening Workshops <br />The California State University Disadvantaged Community Center {CSU DACC) will conduct or participate in at least nine <br />community workshops throughout the watershed, to gather information related from community members about their <br />understanding of the water -related strengths and needs of their community. <br />Deliverables: <br />❑ Workshop notices and materials <br />❑ Community input information in Community Water Ethnography of the Santa Ana River Watershed <br />Activity 7 Community Water Ethnography of the Santa Ana River Watershed <br />CSU DACC will lead the writing of the Community Water Ethnography of the Santa Ana River Watershed, a report about <br />social, cultural and water -related strengths and needs of the overburdened and underrepresented communities in the <br />watershed. This report will reveal all that was learned in the Strengths & Needs Assessment Program Element, and become <br />the foundation for the Engagement & Education Program Element. <br />Deliverables: <br />❑ Community Water Ethnography of the Santa Ana River Watershed (Funding Area -wide Needs Assessment Report) <br />to include: spatial description of "communities" (beyond Census Tracts), community water management provider <br />roster (who serves each -community), demographic data and trends, required data needs as described by "Needs <br />Assessment Template" in the DACI Program Guidelines. This report will meet and exceed the grant requirements <br />of a Final Assessment Report. <br />Activity 8 Homelessness & Water Convening <br />SAWPA staff and program partners will convene a one -day event to reveal synergies and develop new partnerships <br />between those seeking to manage homelessness in the watershed and those engaged with water management. <br />Deliverables: <br />❑ Notice of meeting <br />❑ Pictures of event. <br />❑ Summary Report of conclusions and next steps <br />