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Grant Agreement No, 4600011889 <br />Page 22 of 32 <br />c) Employees of the Grantee: Employees of the Grantee shall comply with all applicable <br />provisions of low pertaining to conflicts of interest, including but not limited to any <br />applicable conflict of interest provisions of the California Political Reform Act, Government <br />Code §87100 et seq. <br />d) Employees and Consultants to the Grantee: Individuals working on behalf of a Grantee <br />may be required by the Department to -file a Statement of Economic Interests (Fair Political <br />Practices Commission Form 700) if it is determined that an individual is a consultant for <br />Political Reform Act purposes. <br />D.16) DEUVERY OF INFORMATION REPORT AND DATA: Grantee agrees to expeditiously provide <br />throughout the term of this Grant Agreement, such reports, data, information, and <br />certifications as may be reasonably required by State. <br />D.17) DISPOSITION OF EQUIPMENT: Grantee shall provide to State, not less than 30 calendar days <br />prior to submission of the final invoice, an itemized inventory of equipment purchased with <br />funds provided by State. The inventory shall include all items with a current estirnated fair <br />market value of more than $5,000.00 per item. Within 60 calendar days of receipt of such <br />inventory State shall provide Grantee with a list of the items on the inventory that State will <br />take title to. All other items shall become the property of Grantee. State shall arrange for <br />delivery from Grantee of items that it takes title to. Cost of transportation, if any, shall be borne <br />by State. <br />D.18) DRAG -FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION: Certification of Compliance: By signing this Grant <br />Agreement, Grantee, its contractors or subcontractors hereby certify, under penalty of perjury <br />under the laws of State of California, compliance with the requirements of the Drug -Free <br />Workplace Act of 1990 (Government Code §8350 et seq.) and have or will provide a drug -free <br />workplace by taking the following actions: <br />a) Publish a statement notifying employees, contractors, and subcontractors that unlawful <br />manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is <br />prohibited and specifying actions to be taken against employees, contractors, or <br />subcontractors for violations, as required by Government Code §8355(a) (1). <br />b) Establish a Drug -Free Awareness Program, as required by Government Code §B355(a) (2) to <br />inform employees, contractors, or subcontractors about all of the following: <br />i) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, <br />1i) Grantee's policy of maintaining a drug -free workplace, <br />iii) Any available counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and <br />iv) Penalties that may be imposed upon employees, contractors, and subcontractors for <br />drug abuse violations. <br />c) Provide, as required by Government Code §8355(a) (3), that every employee, contractor, <br />and/or subcontractor who works under this Grant Agreement: <br />i) Will receive a copy of Grantee's drug -free policy statement, and <br />H) Will agree to abide by terms of Grantee's condition of employment, contract or <br />subcontract. <br />D.19) FINAL INSPECTIONS AND CERTIFICATION OF REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL: Upon completion of <br />the Project, Grantee shall provide for a final inspection and certification by the appropriate <br />registered professional (California Registered Civil Engineer or Geologist) that the Project has <br />