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Attachment I Proposal Summary <br />Proposition 1 Disadvantaged Community Involvement Grant Program <br />Funding Area: Santa Ana Applicant: Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA) <br />Grant Amount: $6.3 million Proposal Title: Disadvantaged Communities Involvement Program <br />Proposal Summary: By geographic area, 28 percent of the Santa Ana River watershed is considered as a <br />Disadvantaged Community (DAC). The Santa Ana River watershed also includes a small area of sovereign tribal <br />land (0,5 percent of the geographic area), some of which qualifies as a DAC. The SAWPA's One Water One <br />Watershed (OWOW) planning efforts (i.e., their IRWM Plan) has Identified general water management needs, as <br />well as specific needs in some individual communities. DACs in the watershed cannot afford to invest in the <br />infrastructure or maintenance necessary to meet or sustain their water needs; this is highlighted in the OWOW 2.0 <br />Plan as the largest challenge. Other water management needs in the watershed include climate impacts on water <br />supplies, legacy groundwater and local stormwater pollution, increased water demand through growth, and <br />inadequate or limited understanding between water managers and community members. <br />The Santa Ana Funding Area DAC Involvement Proposal includes exploring the strengths and needs of DAC <br />communities in the watershed, through engagement and education, uncover and share the needs and capacities <br />within the water agencies and communities, and -assure integrated water management projects that are supported <br />by communities are made ready for Implementation and prioritized in the OWOW Plan Update 2018, <br />Task Description <br />AmountRequested <br />Strengths & Needs Assessment <br />• DACI Technical Advisory Committee (TAC): The TAC will include a representative from <br />each of the program partners and the DAC and Tribal Pillar Chair, and will recruit other <br />$143,202 <br />members from DACs in the watershed. This group will meet regularly to advise the DACI <br />ram efforts and will assist developing cammuni connections. <br />• Disadvantaged Comm unity/Tribal Pillar: SAWPA will assist the Pillar (one of the OWOW <br />topic -based coordination efforts) to convene for workshops approximately five times per <br />year. These workshops will provide opportunities to learn and consider relevant topics, <br />$56,893 <br />including issues of homelessness. The Pillar, through conversation and deliberation, will <br />develop the OWOW Plan Update 2018 chapter about DACs. <br />• Engage Local Elected Leaders: The local Government Commission (LGC) will lead efforts <br />$73 035 <br />to interview and/or survey local elected leaders who serve DACs. <br />• Engage Mutual Water Companies: The California Rural Water Association (CRWA) will <br />engage with mutual water companies throughout the watershed to learn about the strengths <br />$64,884 <br />and needs of these organizations. <br />• Engage Water Agencies: SAWPA staff will engage with water agencies throughout the <br />watershed to gather and summarize the understanding of strengths and needs of DACs <br />$53,474 <br />within their water service areas. <br />• Community Listening Workshops: The California State University Disadvantaged <br />Community Center (CSLI DACC) will conduct community workshops throughout the <br />$96843 <br />watershed, during which oommun4 members will share their understanding of the water - <br />related strengths and needs of their community. <br />• Community Water Ethnography of the Santa Ana Rlver Watershed: CSU DACC will lead <br />the writing of the Community Water Ethnography of the Santa Ana River Watershed, a <br />$230,603 <br />report about social, cultural and water -related strengths and needs of the DACs in the <br />watershed, <br />• Homelessness & Water Convening: SAWPA staff and program partners will convene a <br />one -day event to reveal synergies and develop new partnerships between those seeking to <br />$65,588 <br />manage homelessness in the watershed and those engaged with water management. <br />En a ement]Educatlon <br />- <br />