<br />General Cleaning
<br />Remove all litter found and clean unsightly soil from building, fixtures, walls, door frames, doors and other surfaces.
<br />Remove any spilled liquids or solids. Remove carpet stains. Pick up any towels from the floor or counters within locker
<br />rooms and fitness center, placing towels in the proper receptacle.
<br />Dusting Building Surfaces
<br />Remove all dust, lint, cobwebs, debris, dry soil, etc. from the surface of ledges, window sills, locker tops and fire
<br />extinguishers. This shall include counter tops, walls, ceilings, door frames and sills, light switches, pictures, partitions,
<br />rails and other types of fixtures and surfaces which are not considered as furniture surfaces. This includes atrium wood
<br />ledges and specialty equipment such as test equipment, computers, typewriters, calculators, etc., which are located
<br />anywhere between the floor surface and up to nine (9) feet in height. Dusting shall be accomplished by the removal of
<br />loose soil from the area -- not by moving it from one surface to another.
<br />Spot Cleaning of Building Surfaces, Furniture and Fixtures
<br />Clean to remove smudges, fingerprints, marks, streaks, tape, etc., from the surface of ledges, windows and sills, fire
<br />extinguishers, counter tops, walls, light fixture holders, ceiling vents, doors, door frames and sills, pictures, partitions, rails
<br />and other types of fixtures and surfaces. This would include all items from the floor surface up to 11 feet in height.
<br />Special care is to be taken to not permanently mar scratch or discolor any surface.
<br />Emptying of all Trash and Ash Receptacles
<br />All wastebaskets, cigarette ash receptacles and other trash containers shall be emptied and returned to their initial
<br />location, This shall include those located in patio, balcony and parking areas, as well as any placed outside entry doors.
<br />Receptacles are to be cleaned as need each time. Boxes, cans, papers and other containers marked "trash" (or are
<br />obviously trash) shall be removed. Cardboard boxes and cartons are to be broken down flat. All collected waste from
<br />such receptacles shall be removed from the area and deposited in a designated dumpster or other receptacle in such a
<br />manner so as to prevent the adjacent area from becoming littered by said trash. Soiled or torn trash receptacle liners
<br />shall be replaced with a new liner. Liners shall be replaced in such a manner so as to present a neat and uniform
<br />appearance. Clean around the large trash bins in the Ross Annex Parking Garage.
<br />S of Cleaning of Trash Receptacles
<br />Remove non -permanent stains and soil from the interior and exterior surfaces of trash receptacles.
<br />Outside Patios, Balconies and Building Entryways.
<br />Remove cobwebs from overhead surfaces and lights affixed to the building entryway areas. This would include cleaning
<br />the exterior of glass and metal doors, door thresholds and hardware. Remove any litter, cigarette butts or bird droppings.
<br />Entrance Glass Mirrors and Workstation Glass
<br />Thoroughly clean both sides of all surrounding building entry door glass and entry doors for a uniform appearance free of
<br />all smudges, fingerprints, stains, streaks, lint, etc. Remove any paper and/or tape. Clean all mirrors in restrooms, locker
<br />rooms and fitness center in the same manner as noted above. Spot clean workstation and/or partition glass daily as
<br />needed.
<br />Drinking Fountains and Sinks
<br />Remove all obvious soil, streaks, smudges, etc., from the hardware, including the spouts and drain. After cleaning and
<br />disinfecting, the entire drinking fountain and/or sink (includes all sinks in coffee rooms and lounges) shall be free of
<br />streaks, stains, spots, smudges, scale, and other removable soil. Oil is not to be used to polish metal fixtures. If needed,
<br />lime -away or a similar product shall be used to eliminate hard water build-up.
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