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effective date, the Attorneys must purchase "extended reporting" coverage <br />for a minimum of five (5) years after completion of contract work. <br />j. Verification of Coverage — Attorneys shall furnish the City with original <br />Certificates of Insurance including all required amendatory endorsements (or copies of the <br />applicable policy language effecting coverage required by this clause) and a copy of the <br />Declarations and Endorsement Page of the CGL policy listing allpolicy endorsements to Entity <br />before work begins. However, failure to obtain the required documents prior to the work beginning <br />shall not waive the Attomy's obligation to provide them. The City reserves the right to require <br />complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements required by <br />these specifications, at any time. <br />k. Subcontractors - Attorneys shall require and verify that all subcontractors maintain <br />insurance meeting all the requirements stated herein, and Attorneys shall ensure that City is an <br />additional insured on insurance required from subcontractors. <br />1. Special Risks or Circumstances — City reserves the right to modify these <br />requirements, including limits, based on the nature of the risk, prior experience, insurer, coverage, <br />or other special circumstances <br />9. INDEMNIFICATION Attorneys agree to and shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, <br />its officers, agents, employees, and representatives ftom liability for personal injury, damages, <br />restitution, judicial or equitable relief to the extent caused by Attorneys' negligent or wrongful <br />performance or conduct related to this Agreement. <br />10. CONFIDENTIALITY All information and documents shared with Attorneys as well as <br />all work performed by Attorneys in connection with this Agreement should be treated as strictly <br />confidential. Moreover, all communications between Attorneys and City shall be treated as <br />protected by the attorney -client privilege and the attorney work product doctrine. Accordingly, <br />information received by Attorneys from City should be kept in a secure place, and no information <br />about this work may be disclosed to any third party without City's prior written approval. <br />Attorneys shall provide materials directly to the City Attorney, Sonia Carvalho, or selected <br />members of her office, as directed by the City Attorney. All such information and any written <br />product in connection with Attorneys` retention under this Agreement, shall be marked as <br />"PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL / ATTORNEY -WORK PRODUCT" and shall be the <br />property of the City Attorney's Office, and shall be returned/provided to the Office of the City <br />Attorney with all copies upon the request of the City Attorney. Confidential information disclosed <br />to either party by any subsidiary and/or agent of the other party is covered by this Agreement. The <br />foregoing obligations of non-use and nondisclosure shall not apply to any information that (a) has <br />been disclosed in publicly available sources; (b) is, through no fault of the Attorneys, disclosed in <br />a publicly available source; (c) is in rightful possession of the Attorneys without an obligation of <br />confidentiality; (d) is required to be disclosed by operation of law; or (e) is independently <br />developed by the Attorneys without reference to information disclosed by the City. <br />11. CONFLICT OF INTEREST CLAUSE Attorneys covenant that it presently has no interests <br />and shall not have interests, direct or indirect, that would conflict in any manner with performance <br />of services specified under this Agreement. <br />5 <br />