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Table S. Strategies to Achieve <br />Outcome Goals <br />ImpactedPerformance Meosure to Be <br />Strategy <br />Description <br />(Check all that apply) <br />Reducing the number of persons experiencing <br />J <br />omeiessness. <br />Provide sireet-based case management and housing navigation services <br />to individuals experiencing homelessness in the City with the goal of <br />Reducing the number of persons who become homeless <br />securing permanent housing placement for the individual as well as <br />r the first time, <br />offering emergency shelter and services. The program will utilize a variety of <br />available funding to contract with subject matter experts trained in the <br />profession of homeless services, crisis intervention, mental health, addiction <br />Increasing the number of people exiting homelessness <br />and medical services in order to provide the best response to those in <br />to permanent housing. <br />need. The program will assist individuals experiencing homelessness in <br />accessing the most appropriate services and resources across the System <br />of Care, including behavioral health, healthcare, benefits and mainstream <br />Reducing the length of time persons remain homeless. <br />services, housing, navigating application and enrollment processes, and <br />providing advocacy and support as necessary. <br />Reducing the number of persons who return to <br />domelessness after exiting homelessness to permanent <br />housing. <br />Timeframe <br />By July 2023 <br />Increasing successful placements from sweet outreach. <br />Entities with Lead Responsibilities <br />City of Santa Al Homeless Services <br />r-Fpcused on equity goals related to underserved populatio <br />opulations disproportionately impacted by homelessness. <br />Measurable Targets <br />5,000 Outreach contacts, 3,500 Phone calls dispatched, 300 Case <br />Managements, 400 Street Exits <br />Strategy <br />Description <br />Performance Measure to Be Impacted <br />(Check all that apply) <br />J <br />omelessness. <br />Reducing the number of persons who become homeless <br />Expand the supply of permanent supportive housing, including housing <br />opportunities for homeless youth, by utilizing funding from a variety of <br />r the first time. <br />resources for new construction. <br />Increasing the number of peopte exiting homelessness <br />14to <br />permanent housing, <br />J Reducing the length of time persons remain homeless. <br />Timefrome <br />By July 2023 and May 2024; youth housing by July 2024 <br />5. Reducing the number of persons who retum to <br />©omelessness after exiting homelessness to permanent <br />housing. <br />Entities with Lead Responsibilities <br />City of Santa Ana Housing Department and Homeless Services <br />9 Increasing successful placements from street outreach. <br />t-fpcused on equity goals related to underserved population <br />Measurable Targets <br />100 additional permanent supportive housing (PSH) units occupied by July <br />2023 and 26 additional PSH housing units occupied by May 2024. The <br />opulations disproportionately impacted by homelessness. <br />development of housing units and/or Special Vouchers will be designated <br />for homeless youth (under 25) and occupied by July 2024. <br />Strategy Performance 1 <br />(Chet <br />Support ongoing operation and purchase of the City's Homeless Navigation <br />Center, newly opened in May 2022 and providing 200 shelter beds (with <br />Reducing the number of persons who become homeless <br />potential to expand to 300 beds for men and women). The Navigation <br />r the first time. <br />Center will serve as an important link between the City's Street Outreach <br />Increasing the number of people exiting homelessness <br />efforts and securing successful permoment housing exits for homeless <br />lato permanent housing. <br />persons by providing case management and a comprehensive range of <br />services along with emergency shelter. <br />3 Reducing the length of time persons remain hometess. <br />5. Reducing the number of persons who return to <br />Fimeframe <br />By July 2024 <br />Df omelessness after exiting homelessness to permanent <br />housing. <br />[� lncreasing successful placements from street outreach. <br />cused on equity goals related to underserved population <br />opulations disproportionately impacted by homelessness. <br />Entities with Lead Responsibilities <br />City of Santo Ana Housing Department and Homeless Services <br />Measurable Targets <br />Decrease unsheltered homeless population by 83 individuals or 10% <br />and <br />and <br />and <br />