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Exhibit 3 <br />Community Listening Session <br />On April 27, 2022, the Community Development Department, Homeless Division, hosted <br />a Community Listening Session. This listening session took place at the Community <br />Development Housing Commission meeting. The purpose of the session was to collect <br />information on strengths, needs, and challenges of current and future programs to assist <br />those experiencing homelessness in Santa Ana. <br />The following is feedback from the listening session. Feedback includes suggestions, <br />insight and concerns that the community would like to see focused on: <br />Outreach <br />• Ensure people are not dehumanized. <br />• Some residents experiencing homelessness report feeling criminalized when they <br />cannot park or stay in any area for a long time. <br />• The City is spending too much on Outreach vs other type of services. <br />• A greater response by both the SMART Team and SAPD since many homeless <br />relocate throughout the City and are individuals released from jail that are dropped <br />off at the Santa Ana train station. <br />• Collaborating with grass root groups in SA could assist the City in being more <br />proactive. <br />Shelter & Housing <br />• Residents wonder if Santa Ana is taking on the burden of assisting the homeless, <br />while others cities are not. <br />Expressed homeless congregate near school sites and that having a "hot spot" <br />system can help the City recognize which areas need the most assistance. <br />Think about homeless children. <br />Mental Health <br />• There continue to be substance use, mental health on the streets of Santa Ana. <br />• Concerns around mental health, substance abuse and panhandling. <br />• A need for mental hospitals. <br />Public Safety <br />• There is a concern that Santa Ana's services attract people from out of the area. <br />• Resident wondered where the homeless are coming from because they do not see <br />individuals experiencing homelessness in Santa Ana mirroring the City's majority <br />race of Hispanic; that most individuals they see are white. <br />• Questions regarding legislation and about pressing charges for acts homeless do, <br />when they are not charged, but residents are. Crimes needing punishment. <br />• Residents feel parks have become unsafe due to homeless leaving behind crack <br />pipes and needles on the floor. <br />• Residents expressed concerns about indecent exposure by homeless around <br />children and women. <br />• Residents expressed concerns about homeless -related drug activity near school <br />sites. <br />