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Item 39 - Affordable Housing Project at 2530 & 2534 Westminster Avenue
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
05/17/2022 Special and Regular
Item 39 - Affordable Housing Project at 2530 & 2534 Westminster Avenue
Entry Properties
Last modified
9/25/2024 9:11:42 AM
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8/15/2023 1:47:30 PM
City Clerk
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Clerk of the Council
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Page 14 <br />as High HOME units. This is subject to change based upon a final HOME Cost Allocation <br />Analysis to be completed after the HOME Subsidy Layering Review has been performed. <br />General Provisions: <br />The City's obligation to provide the City Assistance to the Project is subject to each of the <br />following conditions: <br />•Developer must provide proof that it has secured all of its remaining financing for <br />the development of the Project in the form of enforceable funding commitments, <br />which may include 9% or 4% Federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits, State <br />Housing Tax Credits, a commitment of affordable housing funds from the County <br />of Orange or State of California, Section 8 project-based vouchers from the Orange <br />County or Santa Ana Housing Authority, or any other funding source needed in the <br />Project's capital stack to develop the Project and close on the financing, before <br />staff will return to the City Council for consideration of the Loan Agreements for the <br />City Assistance. <br />•At least 75% of the affordable units (less one (1) manager's unit) in the Project will <br />be restricted to extremely low-income households at 30% of the Area Median <br />Income. <br />•The Project consists of twenty-six (26) permanent supportive housing units for <br />chronically homeless individuals and families. All individuals and families shall <br />be referred from the Orange County Coordinated Entry System, and preference <br />should be given to residents of the City of Santa Ana based upon: <br />o Proof of strong ties to the community, to include current residency of an <br />immediate family member -mother, father, sibling, or grandparent in the <br />City of Santa Ana; <br />o Proof that the individual attended a K-12 school in Santa Ana; <br />o Proof that the individual resided on property zoned for residential use in <br />Santa Ana and the individual was on the lease and/or paid utilities <br />necessary for legal use of the property for residential purposes; or <br />o Knowledge -either first-hand or recorded -by the Santa Ana Police <br />Department that the individual has been a member of the Santa Ana <br />homeless community. <br />•The rent standards for the Project must comply with the strictest of the standards <br />imposed by TCAC and the HOME Program regulations, or other funding sources <br />contributed to the Project, as applicable. <br />•All provided funding and Project requirements shall conform to the City's most <br />recently adopted Affordable Housing Funds Policies and Procedures, unless <br />alternative requirements are expressly provided in the executed Loan Agreements <br />for the City Assistance or any other documents related to the development of the <br />Project. <br />EXHIBIT 2
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