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Exhibit A <br />• Schools where families' average household incomes were less than $25,000 were seven <br />and six months behind, respectively <br />Of course, academic learning was not the only thing that the pandemic took from young people <br />- many also lost stability and security, and some even lost family members. In a related <br />McKinsey and Company survey of parents across the country, 35% said they were very or <br />extremely concerned about their child's mental health, with a similar proportion worried about <br />their child's social and emotional well-being. The youth of Santa Ana may be particularly <br />impacted by these losses, given that the city bears the burden of the pandemic, representing <br />10% of the county population, but 16% of the COVID-19 cases to date. <br />4. Proposal shall include details of collaborations with local organizations <br />To implement the proposed program, we will collaborate with the George Washington Carver <br />Elementary School, Romero -Cruz Academy and John C. Fremont Elementary School to assist <br />with recruitment of students. <br />S. Proposal shall include details of innovation in program/service delivery <br />The proposed program is innovative in that it meets the academic and SEL needs of younger <br />children by engaging, training, and using the skills of older youth. In doing so, the high school <br />students also develop new skills and are exposed to new career opportunities. By adding a third <br />tier of college interns to provide guidance and support for the teenagers, they are further <br />motivated and prepone ared to explore collegiate opportunities. <br />22 <br />