Exhibit A
<br />weekly series that begins with foundational skills and technique; then is meticulously explored and analyzed
<br />through a multitude of activities and projects that end with a culminating performance, documented by video.
<br />3. Art Journals: Students explore intrapersonal communication, use personal choices, and practice empathy through
<br />daily lessons and social emotional skills based on 3 concepts (I Am, I Belong, I Can). Using CASEL (The
<br />Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning) guidelines, students create their very own journal of
<br />self -expressions, thoughts and feelings that encase all elements of social and emotional learning.
<br />4. Coping Skills Mechanisms Box: Throughout the session children decorate an empty box with pictures, quotes,
<br />drawings, and other designs and items that serve as a reflection of what makes them happy. Students will build
<br />an actual physical container that houses items they create to help calm down and express their emotions in
<br />healthy ways.
<br />Program Target Audience: Teachers, families, and caregivgrq of children ages 3years-10 years of at risk Santa Ana
<br />youth attending Monte Vista Elementary.
<br />Program Tasks: ALBI programs are designed to offer a broad range of teaching strategies that are culturally responsive
<br />and engage students as active participants in their learning during class time with their teachers. We believe in working
<br />with teachers and parents to maximize sustained and intentional arts education and mindfulness strategies that engage
<br />the whole learner. In general populations and trauma -exposed adults, mindfulness interventions have demonstrated
<br />reduced depression and anxiety, reduced trauma -related symptoms, enhanced coping and mood, and improved quality of
<br />life. Studies in children and youth also demonstrate that mindfulness interventions improve mental, behavioral, and
<br />physical outcomes. Our program will deliver professional development support, facilitate school environmental changes,
<br />offer parent education and work collaboratively within the surrounding community to influence leadership roles at the
<br />school site for positive and sustainable outcomes.
<br />Classroom Teacher Professional Development and Support: ALBI programs believe in empowering school staff and
<br />teachers for sustainability in arts integrated and mindfulness education strategies. To support teachers in development
<br />and leadership, we will provide revitalizing teaching methods through the arts that include professional development and
<br />ongoing staff support. Our expert teaching artists will work closely with classroom teachers throughout the school year
<br />so that they are confident in the skills and knowledge needed to lead arts and mindfulness integrated activities into their
<br />classes. To foster change efforts at the school, we will support teachers through professional training, collaborative
<br />meetings, and classroom partnerships. In addition, teachers will receive professional development training in lessons
<br />with insightful art -based mindfulness integration and teacher partnerships to help increase and sustain the incorporation
<br />in the classrooms. By developing the personal skills instrumental in promoting behavioral change and educational
<br />success, sustained involvement in the arts and mindfulness education process makes it concrete. We will support
<br />teachers in learning how to practice self -care and mindfulness by introducing tools, materials, and techniques that are
<br />tangible and relevant to students and their educators. Teachers will receive 9 in-depth professional development
<br />workshops in mindfulness and self -care per school year, along with 36 hours of hands-on learning lessons with
<br />students.
<br />Parent/Families and Caregivers Education: Family involvement is also vital as it creates a positive collaboration and a
<br />mutual respect between the parent and school. The more parents feel involved, valued, and regarded as a partner, the
<br />more they will support the school and encourage their child. Parent workshops will also be provided to extend arts -
<br />based mindfulness strategies that engage students in a variety of learning styles, refine critical thinking skills and
<br />strengthen the family bond. Parents will have the opportunity to attend a total of 12 one -hour innovative workshops in
<br />mental health, physical health, emotional wellbeing for sustained wellness. In collaboration with community partners,
<br />parents will also receive positive and healthy resources. This directly benefits the family unit with healthy messages, at
<br />home, in the school environment and extends into the community. By exposing students and parents to positive
<br />influences and resources in the local community, the school serves as a helpful resource to educate the whole child.
<br />Program Deliverables: The core concepts of our support strategies to inspire shared leadership roles for school staff,
<br />teachers, students and parents is through continuous collaborative efforts that engage participants as advocates and
<br />leaders in the schools and community. By implementing multiple strategies to transform whole school performance and
<br />maximize sustainable arts -based integration with mindfulness education. ALBI will administer pre -post assessments,
<br />while teachers and families build a tool box of resources specific to their individual needs. This kit will contain a
<br />repertoire of resources filled with mindful practices, self -care techniques, healthy community resources, classroom
<br />activities and parenting techniques that reduce stress and increase resilience.
<br />ALBI arts -based mindfulness program will be conducted in three 12-week School Sessions, and one 4-week Summer
<br />Session. There will be intermittent breaks in classes in-between each session for evaluation and planning. Adjustments
<br />may be made depending on the SAUSD school calendar to take into consideration holidays and non -teaching days. The
<br />last week of each 12-week session will focus on preparation dedicated to culmination projects. Classes are offered once
<br />a week for 50 minutes each. Some classes are offered more than once to provide a broader range of options for
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