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Santa Ana General Plan Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement <br />Of Overriding Considerations -53- October 2021 <br />6. Recreation <br />Impact 5.15-1: The General Plan Update would generate additional residents that would <br />increase the use of existing park and recreational facilities such that <br />substantial physical deterioration of the facility could occur or be <br />accelerated. <br />Support for this environmental impact conclusion is fully discussed in Section 5.15, Recreation, <br />starting on page 5.15-27 of the Updated Draft PEIR. <br />Although required park fees for development could be sufficient to fund new parks and <br />improvements, there is a lack of available land and lack of land designated as Open Space within <br />the General Plan Update to develop new parks or expand existing facilities. The City of Santa <br />Ana is essentially built. <br />Incorporation of Mitigation Measure REC-1 to monitor new residential development within the <br />Dyer/55 Fwy focus area would contribute to reducing impacts to existing public parks within a ½ <br />radius of the focus area. Compliance with this mitigation measure, regulatory requirements, and <br />implementation of proposed GPU policies and implementation actions would reduce the potential <br />impact of the proposed GPU on existing park facilities. However, because of the existing park <br />deficiencies and scale of development in park-deficient areas, the project’s impact would be <br />significant and unavoidable. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />REC-1 The City shall monitor new residential development within the Dyer/55 Fwy focus area. <br />Development proposals for projects including 100 or more residential units shall be <br />required to prepare a public park utilization study to evaluate the project’s potential <br />impacts on existing public parks within a one half (1/2) mile radius to the focus area. <br />The evaluation shall include the population increase due to the project and the <br />potential for the new resident population to impact existing public parks within the <br />radius. Each study shall also consider the cumulative development in the Dyer/55 <br />Fwy and the potential for a cumulative impact on existing public parks within the radius. <br />If the study determines that the project, or it’s incremental cumulative impacts would <br />result in a significant impact (substantial physical deterioration or substantial <br />acceleration of deterioration) to existing public parks, the project shall be required to <br />mitigate this impact. Measures to mitigate the significant impact may include but are <br />not limited to land dedication and fair-share contribution to acquire new or to enhance <br />existing public parks within the radius. Mitigation shall be completed prior to issuance <br />of occupancy permits.