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Santa Ana General Plan Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement <br />Of Overriding Considerations -68- October 2021 <br />X. RESOLUTION REGARDING CONTENTS AND CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS <br />The documents and materials that constitute the record of proceedings on which these findings <br />have been based are located at the City of Santa Ana Planning Division Counter. The custodian <br />for these records is the City of Santa Ana. This information is provided in compliance with Public <br />Resources Code section 21081.6. <br />The record of proceedings for the City’s decision on the project consists of the following <br />documents, at a minimum: <br />1. The NOP and all other public notices issued by the City in conjunction with the project. <br />2. The Draft PEIR for the Santa Ana General Plan Update. <br />3. All comments submitted by agencies or members of the public during the 45-day comment <br />period on the Draft PEIR and the 20-day extension to the comment period. <br />4. The Final PEIR for the Santa Ana General Plan Update, including comments received on the <br />Draft PEIR, responses to those comments, and technical appendices. <br />5. The Recirculated Draft PEIR for the Santa Ana General Plan Update. <br />6. All comments submitted by agencies or members of the public during the 45-day comment <br />period on the Recirculated Draft PEIR. <br />7. The Final Recirculated PEIR for the Santa Ana General Plan Update, including comments <br />received on the Recirculated Draft PEIR, responses to those comments, and technical <br />appendices. <br />8. The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the project. <br />9. All findings, resolutions, and ordinances adopted by the City in connection with the General <br />Plan Update, and all documents cited or referred to therein. <br />10. All reports, studies, memoranda, maps, staff reports, or other planning documents relating to <br />the project prepared by the City, consultants to the City, or responsible or trustee agencies <br />with respect to the City’s compliance with the requirements of CEQA and with respect to the <br />City’s action on the Santa Ana General Plan Update. <br />11. All documents submitted to the City by other public agencies or members of the public in <br />connection with the General Plan Update PEIR up through project approval. Matters of <br />common knowledge to the City, including, but not limited to federal, state, and local laws and <br />regulations. <br />12. Any documents expressly cited or referenced in these findings, in addition to those cited <br />above.