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GENERAL PLAN UPDATE MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br />Page 4 PlaceWorks <br />Table 1-1 Proposed Land Use Designations and Statistics <br />Land Use Designation Acres % of Total <br />Urban Neighborhood 101.7 32.6 <br />West Santa Ana Boulevard 481.6 — <br />Corridor Residential 10.0 2.1 <br />General Commercial 21.5 4.5 <br />Industrial/Flex 87.9 18.3 <br />Institutional 45.5 9.4 <br />Low Density Residential 108.1 22.4 <br />Low-Medium Density Residential 6.8 1.4 <br />Medium Density Residential 27.0 5.6 <br />Open Space 133.6 27.7 <br />Professional and Administrative Office 6.2 1.3 <br />Urban Neighborhood 35.0 7.3 <br />Balance of City 11,598.8 — <br />District Center 124.2 1.1 <br />General Commercial 424.2 3.7 <br />Industrial 2,159.6 18.6 <br />Institutional 886.7 7.6 <br />Low Density Residential 6,173.3 53.2 <br />Low-Medium Density Residential 429.0 3.7 <br />Medium Density Residential 335.3 2.9 <br />One Broadway Plaza District Center 4.1 0.0 <br />Open Space 793.8 6.8 <br />Professional and Administrative Office 260.4 2.2 <br />Urban Neighborhood 4.1 0.0 <br />Not Specified 4.1 0.0 <br />Total 13,118.5 100% <br />Source: Figures aggregated and projected by PlaceWorks, 2020. <br /> <br />The full buildout scenario is analyzed in comparison to existing conditions. Table 1-2 details buildout statistics. <br />Similarly, the PEIR provides conclusions regarding impact significance for this scenario for both the proposed <br />GPU and project alternatives.