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GENERAL PLAN UPDATE MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br />Page 16 PlaceWorks <br />Table 1-3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Requirements <br />Mitigation Measure Timing <br />Responsible Implementing Party Responsible Monitoring Party <br />Document Location (Monitoring Record) <br />Completion Date <br />Responsible Monitoring Party Project Mitigation Monitor <br />CUL-7 If an Archaeological Resources Assessment does not identify <br />potentially significant archaeological resources but the site has <br />moderate sensitivity for archaeological resources (Mitigation Measure <br />CUL-4), an archaeologist who meets the Secretary’s Standards shall <br />be retained on call. The archaeologist shall inform all construction <br />personnel prior to construction activities about the proper procedures in <br />the event of an archaeological discovery. The pre-construction training <br />shall be held in conjunction with the project’s initial on-site safety <br />meeting and shall explain the importance and legal basis for the <br />protection of significant archaeological resources. In the event that <br />archaeological resources (artifacts or features) are exposed during <br />ground-disturbing activities, construction activities in the immediate <br />vicinity of the discovery shall be halted while the on-call archaeologist is <br />contacted. The resource shall be evaluated for significance and tribal <br />consultation shall be conducted, in the case of a tribal resource. If the <br />discovery proves to be significant, the long-term disposition of any <br />collected materials should be determined in consultation with the <br />affiliated tribe(s), where relevant. <br />Prior to <br />construction <br />activities <br />Project <br />Applicant/ <br />Developer <br />City of Santa <br />Ana Building <br />Safety Division <br />City of Santa <br />Ana Building <br />Safety <br />Division <br /> <br />5.6 GEOLOGY AND SOILS <br />GEO-1 High Sensitivity. Projects involving ground disturbances in previously <br />undisturbed areas mapped as having “high” paleontological sensitivity <br />shall be monitored by a qualified paleontological monitor on a full-time <br />basis. Monitoring shall include inspection of exposed sedimentary units <br />during active excavations within sensitive geologic sediments. The <br />monitor shall have authority to temporarily divert activity away from <br />exposed fossils to evaluate the significance of the find and, if the fossils <br />are determined to be significant, professionally and efficiently recover <br />the fossil specimens and collect associated data. The paleontological <br />monitor shall use field data forms to record pertinent location and <br />geologic data, measure stratigraphic sections (if applicable), and collect <br />appropriate sediment samples from any fossil localities.. <br />During ground <br />disturbing activities <br />Project <br />Applicant/ <br />Developer <br />City of Santa <br />Ana Building <br />Safety Division <br />City of Santa <br />Ana Building <br />Safety <br />Division <br />