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GENERAL PLAN UPDATE MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br />October 2021 Page 21 <br />Table 1-3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Requirements <br />Mitigation Measure Timing <br />Responsible Implementing Party Responsible Monitoring Party <br />Document Location (Monitoring Record) <br />Completion Date <br />Responsible Monitoring Party Project Mitigation Monitor <br />N-4 During the project-level California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) <br />process for industrial developments under the General Plan Update or <br />other projects that could generate substantial vibration levels near <br />sensitive uses, a noise and vibration analysis shall be conducted to <br />assess and mitigate potential noise and vibration impacts related to the <br />operations of that individual development. This noise and vibration <br />analysis shall be conducted by a qualified and experienced acoustical <br />consultant or engineer and shall follow the latest CEQA guidelines, <br />practices, and precedents. <br />Prior to the <br />issuance of <br />building permits <br />Project <br />Applicant/ <br />Developer and <br />Acoustical <br />Engineer <br />City of Santa <br />Ana Building <br />Safety Division <br />City of Santa <br />Ana Building <br />Safety <br />Division <br /> <br />5.15 RECREATION <br />REC-1 The City shall monitor new residential development within the Dyer/55 <br />Fwy focus area. Development proposals for projects including 100 or <br />more residential units shall be required to prepare a public park <br />utilization study to evaluate the project’s potential impacts on existing <br />public parks within a one half (1/2) mile radius to the focus area. The <br />evaluation shall include the population increase due to the project and <br />the potential for the new resident population to impact existing public <br />parks within the radius. Each study shall also consider the cumulative <br />development in the Dyer/55 Fwy and the potential for a cumulative <br />impact on existing public parks within the radius. <br /> If the study determines that the project, or it’s incremental cumulative <br />impacts would result in a significant impact (substantial physical <br />deterioration or substantial acceleration of deterioration) to existing <br />public parks, the project shall be required to mitigate this impact. <br />Measures to mitigate the significant impact may include but are not <br />limited to land dedication and fair-share contribution to acquire new or <br />to enhance existing public parks within the radius. Mitigation shall be <br />completed prior to issuance of occupancy permits. <br />Prior to the <br />issuance of <br />occupancy permits <br />Project <br />Applicant/ <br />Developer <br />City of Santa <br />Ana Building <br />Safety Division <br />City of Santa <br />Ana Building <br />Safety <br />Division <br /> <br />5.16 TRIBAL CULTURAL RESOURCES <br />CUL-4 For projects with ground disturbance—e.g., grading, excavation, <br />trenching, boring, or demolition that extend below the current grade— <br />prior to issuance of any permits required to conduct ground-disturbing <br />Prior to the <br />issuance of <br />grading permits <br />Project <br />Applicant/ <br />Developer <br />City of Santa <br />Ana Building <br />Safety Division <br />City of Santa <br />Ana Building