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<br />Resolution No. 2022-XXX <br />Page 10 of 11 <br /> <br />stories, or about 100 to 250 feet AGL. Proponents of future structures exceeding <br />200 feet AGL and/or structures penetrating the 100:1 Notification Surface will be <br />required to file a Form 7460-1 Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration with <br />FAA and provide a copy of the FAA determination to the City. Per Policy S-4.2, <br />the applicant would be required to obtain an FAA determination of no obstruction <br />or no hazard to air navigation before seeking City approval. <br />e. The maximum allowable building heights in the zoning and land use designations <br />proposed in the South Main Street Focus Area range between 2 and 3 stories, or <br />about 20 to 30 feet AGL. These maximum allowable building heights would not <br />exceed the FAR Part 77 imaginary obstruction surfaces for JWA, including the <br />sloping, three-dimensional 20:1 conical surface, and the 206’ AMSL horizontal <br />surface. <br />f. The Project’s requirement that future construction and development comply with <br />the FAA’s 7460-1 process ensures that building heights within the Project area <br />will not pose a hazard to air navigation. This is consistent with and furthers the <br />purposes of PUC Section 21670 by minimizing the public’s exposure to safety <br />hazards. <br />g. The Project is an approval only as to land use designation and zoning. No <br />specific structures are contemplated as part of the Project. Therefore, nothing in <br />the Project will create an obstruction or hazard to air navigation within the <br />meaning of 14 C.F.R. Part 77, and no part of the Project involves the proposed <br />construction or alteration of any structure. Accordingly, no aeronautical study is <br />required as part of the Project. See 49 U.S.C. § 44718; 14 C.F.R. Part 77; FAA <br />Order JO 7400.2M. <br />h. The Project does not create a safety hazard pursuant to PUC Section 21670. <br />4. Heliports. Heliports are not permitted in any residential (R1, R2, R3, or R4) District <br />pursuant to Santa Ana Municipal Code section 41-621. Outside of residential <br />Districts, heliports are only allowed with a conditional use permit (“CUP”). <br />a. The General Plan Update states, as Policy S-4.4 Heliport/helistop approval and <br />requirements, “Approve the development of a heliport or helistop only if it <br />complies with the ALUP for heliports.” Policy S-4.4 further makes it City policy to <br />“[e]nsure that each applicant seeking a conditional use permit or similar approval <br />for the construction or operation of a heliport or helistop complies fully with the <br />state permit recommended by the FAA, by Orange County ALUC, and by <br />Caltrans/Division of Aeronautics. This requirement shall be in addition to all other <br />City development requirements.” <br />b. As described in Draft PEIR Section 5.8, any applicant proposing a heliport “shall <br />undergo review by the ALUC, obtain an Airspace Analysis from the FAA as <br />specified in Section 2.1.5 of the JWA AELUP, and confirm consistency with the <br />JWA AELUP prior to construction, as specified in Section 4.7 of the JWA <br />AELUP.” <br />c. The Project and existing provisions within the Santa Ana Municipal Code restrict <br />the establishment of heliports within the City. Heliports are only allowed in non- <br />residential districts, and only once the applicant obtains a CUP following FAA