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Catalog of City of Santa Ana Draft General Plan Update Comments Received Post February 15, 2022 <br />#Public Comments/Concerns Draft Policies and Implementation Actions Addressing Comments/Concerns City Response Source of Comment <br />ENVIRONMENTAL RISK & REMEDIATION <br />133 Clearer data visualizations for EJ impacts: MPNA requests a better <br />understanding of the cumulative and overlapping environmental impacts on <br />EJ communities at risk of pollution exposure. a) Understandable visuals help <br />communicate the gravity of EJ issues in each community to residents. b) <br />Residents should know the City understands the extent of the pollution <br />problem, and is addressing the EJ issues residents face. c) A clear <br />understanding between residents and City officials provides a baseline for <br />measuring progress on remediation goals. <br />Recommended Action Change: CN-1.14: Expanded Interactions. Identify opportunities to expand <br />attendance and support neighborhood associations and community groups to hold regular <br />meetings with City staff and decision-makers in neighborhoods within environmental justice <br />communities, so that residents, community organizations, and businesses can communicate their <br />unique issues and needs, as well as their recommendations on how best to implement <br />environmental quality, environmental health, and environmental justice policies. Arrange for <br />language interpretation services as needed at these meetings so that all residents can participate. <br />Through the collaboration of local and regional stakeholders, community groups and the City <br />(proposed Action CN-1.10 Interagency Team) and increased participation in community <br />meetings, additional mapping tools to assist with communication, visualization, and outreach <br />will be developed in accordance with community needs. The City will continue to monitor <br />data and revise visualizations to be user-friendly and accessible. In addition, links to the <br />California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) website and map <br />viewer which identifies EJ tracts and provides map layers based on indicators utilized in <br />determining EJ scores are published in the Environmental Quality webpage to assist residents <br />in locating the information. <br />MPNA Attachment II, <br />2.18.22 <br />134 Cumulative Impact Analyses: MPNA requests that the City incorporate into <br />the General Plan Update maps and other visualizations depicting the overlap <br />of water, soil, and air pollution and hazardous and toxic waste sites in Santa <br />Ana. a) Existing maps from CalEnviroScreen (CES) in the EJ Background <br />Appendix of the DPEIR show the Madison Park Neighborhood faces pollution <br />exposure from air quality, toxic cleanup sites, groundwater threats, hazardous <br />waste, and lead. b) The City should include details (zoomed-in versions) of <br />these maps for every EJ Community in Santa Ana. c) These maps should be <br />periodically updated for EJ Community Meetings. d) These results should <br />distinguish between existing emissions, ongoing emitters, and newly planned <br />emission sites. <br />Existing Action: CN-1.10: Interagency Team. Establish an environmental quality interagency team to <br />evaluate, monitor, and make recommendations to address air quality and environmental hazard <br />issues, with a special focus on environmental justice areas. Publish results and information on the <br />City’s website through a dedicated Santa Ana Environmental Quality webpage. <br />The designation of a census tract as an EJ area is the result of a cumulative analysis of all of the <br />indicators that the CalEnviroScreen methodology uses. Additionally, as the numerous <br />programs to address EJ are undertaken, tailored visualizations for topical area or geographic <br />area will be provided as needed. Moreover, designation of census tracts as EJ and census tract <br />scores will continue to change based on new data and updates to the CalEnviroScreen. As <br />such, providing up to date maps with the latest data and designations on the City's <br />Environmental Quality webpage is a more optimal solution to providing the community up to <br />date information. <br />MPNA Attachment II, <br />2.18.22 <br />135 Maps of Emitters: MPNA requests maps marking where the current permit- <br />holders for emissions of any kind of pollution are located. Similarly, there <br />should be separate map details for each EJ Community. a) Along with these <br />maps, there should be explanations for how development will likely change <br />the area over the next 25 years. <br />Existing Action: CN-1.10: Interagency Team. Establish an environmental quality interagency team to <br />evaluate, monitor, and make recommendations to address air quality and environmental hazard <br />issues, with a special focus on environmental justice areas. Publish results and information on the <br />City’s website through a dedicated Santa Ana Environmental Quality webpage. <br />The California Department of Toxic Substances provides an interactive map viewer where <br />members of the public can view location of permit holders, contaminated sites, and status of <br />permits, with the option of only viewing permits in EJ tracts. Through <br />the creation of the Environmental Quality webpage, this resource and others like it will be <br />published on the City's webpage for ease of access and awareness. <br />MPNA Attachment II, <br />2.18.22 <br />EMISSION STUDIES / PLANNED REMEDIATION IN EJ COMMUNITIES <br />136 The Plan should aim to reduce and eliminate existing emissions / toxic sites, <br />and limit or avoid new sources of emissions and toxics. The current plan fails <br />by not fully addressing remediation goal <br />A number of policies and actions address this comment. The Draft Plan includes a number of policies and actions that directly seek to reduce and/or <br />eliminate heavy industrial uses near residences through development standards, incentives <br />and amortization programs, creation of new land use designations that, if adopted, will no <br />longer permit heavy industrial (Industrial Flex--South Main Street Focus Area and West Santa <br />Ana Blvd.), and examining the feasibility of implementing new laws to prohibit heavy industry <br />near homes. In addition, there are a number of actions that if adopted will lead to the City <br />working more closely with air pollution regulating agencies to reduce pollution emissions. To <br />see related actions see draft actions LU-3.2, LU-3.3, LU-3.4, LU-3.15, LU-3.23, LU-4.6, CN-1.1, <br />CN-1.4, CN-1.5, CN-1.6, CN-1.7,CN-1.9, CN-1.12, CN-1.17, S-2.1, S-2.2, M-5.8, and draft policies <br />m-1.7, CN-1.1, CN-1.3, CN1.15, CN-1.16, CN-1.18, OS-2.5, LU-3.12, and LU-4.3. <br />MPNA Attachment II, <br />2.18.22 <br />Page 26