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Catalog of City of Santa Ana Draft General Plan Update Comments Received Post February 15, 2022 <br />#Public Comments/Concerns Draft Policies and Implementation Actions Addressing Comments/Concerns City Response Source of Comment <br />1 Suggested Policy Change: Policy CM-1.2: Community Input - Engage residents <br />and community facility users with meaningful and effective participation to <br />provide input for facility improvements and programming. Assure potentially <br />affected community residents that they have opportunities to participate in <br />decisions that affect their environment and health, and that the concerns of <br />all participants involved will be considered in the decision-making process. <br />Recommended Policy Change: CM-1.2: Community Input. Engage residents and community facility <br />users with meaningful and effective participation to provide input and involve them in the decision- <br />making process for community facility improvements and programming. <br />The proposed policy is intended to foster meaningful engagement in the decision-making <br />process related to improvements to public recreation facilities and programming. The policy <br />has been modified to clarify the intent and to reflect the spirit of the recommended changes <br />by including suggested language to foster meaningful engagement and to involve users in the <br />decision-making process. <br />Collaborative Letter <br />(MPNA, OCEJ, <br />THRIVE, & Rise Up <br />Willowick) received <br />3.14.2022 <br />2 Add Policy: Policy CM-1.2a: Hold meetings, workshops, and public comment <br />periods at times and locations that are convenient for community members to <br />attend, especially those that may be directly affected by a particular decision. <br />Include community input and feedback when determining meeting time and <br />location. Manage agendas so that items with community input are addressed <br />at a reasonable hour. <br />1) Existing Action: PS-3.15: Agenda Management. Consider enhancements to the agenda <br />management system to ensure public meetings run smoothly, increase internal efficiency, <br />document decisions proficiently, and maintain public transparency. <br />2) Recommended Action Change: CM-1.2: Community Conversation. Plan for and conduct a <br />community survey every two years related to community health, pollution concerns, parks, <br />community engagement, and community service needs, with focused outreach to environmental <br />justice priority areas utilizing various platforms, such as social media and school events, to <br />encourage substantial survey participation. <br />Existing Action PS-3.15, with target implementation year of 2022, will consider further <br />enhancements to address City meeting agenda and related public engagement. In addition, <br />Action CM 1.2 provides for a survey tool as an opportunity for community input on best <br />practices for residents to engage in City meetings, workshops, and the decision making <br />process. This action has also been modified to include suggested changes where appropriate. <br />Collaborative Letter <br />(MPNA, OCEJ, <br />THRIVE, & Rise Up <br />Willowick) received <br />3.14.2022 <br />3 Suggested Policy Change: Policy CM-3.3: Health Residential Programs - Invest <br />in programs and public improvements that educate residents about <br />opportunities to increase their physical activity and improve their health, <br />especially in areas with higher risk of negative public health outcomes. <br />Recommended Policy Change: CM-3.3: Health Residential Programs. Invest in programs and public <br />improvements that educate residents about opportunities to increase their physical activity and <br />improve their health, especially in environmental justice communities with higher risk of negative <br />public health outcomes. <br />The comment is noted and is recommended to be included in its entirety. Collaborative Letter <br />(MPNA, OCEJ, <br />THRIVE, & Rise Up <br />Willowick) received <br />3.14.2022 <br />4 Add Policy CM-3.11 or Action CM-3.9: Establish a permanent staff position <br />and City office focused on environmental justice, responsible for 1) collecting <br />and disseminating information relevant to environmental justice in Santa Ana <br />2) serving as a liaison between the City, community organizations, and the <br />multiple government agencies responsible for some aspect of environmental <br />justice 3) coordinating the City’s environmental justice programs 4) planning <br />community meetings and ensuring follow through. <br />Recommended New Action: CM-3.9: Environmental Justice Staff. Identify funding and hire a full- <br />time Environmental Justice staff member to collaborate with the community to guide the <br />implementation of the environmental justice policies and actions including community outreach, <br />collaboration on environmental health studies, pursuing grants, and coordination with federal, <br />state, and local agencies regarding environmental concerns in the City. Agency: CMO/PBA and <br />Target Year: 2022. <br />The community comment is in alignment with comments provided by members of the City <br />Council. Staff has prepared a recommended action to identify funding and hire a full-time EJ <br />staff person per Council's input. Action revised in response to OCEJ comment that <br />implementation of EJ policies and actions should be a collaboration and guided by the <br />community. <br />Collaborative Letter <br />(MPNA, OCEJ, <br />THRIVE, & Rise Up <br />Willowick) received <br />3.14.2022 <br />5 Suggested Action Change: Action CM-1.2: Community Conversation - Plan for <br />and conduct a yearly community survey every three years related to <br />community health, air quality pollution concerns, parks, and community <br />service needs, with focused outreach to environmental justice priority areas. <br />Undertake substantially more outreach on various platforms, including social <br />media and school events, to inform residents about the community outreach <br />meetings and to encourage substantial survey participation. <br />Recommended Action Change: CM-1.2: Community Conversation. Plan for and conduct a <br />community survey every two years related to community health, pollution concerns, parks, <br />community engagement, community service needs, with focused outreach to environmental justice <br />priority areas utilizing various platforms, such as social media and school events, to encourage <br />substantial survey participation. <br />The intent of the draft action is to continually receive feedback from the community and is <br />recommending conducting a targeted EJ survey that focuses on community health, pollution <br />concerns, parks, service needs and City community engagement best practices. The timeframe <br />has been revised to every two years. Two years will provide the needed time to formulate <br />surveys, provide sufficient time to respond, collect data, analyze data, report findings, and <br />formulate actions to address feedback. <br />Collaborative Letter <br />(MPNA, OCEJ, <br />THRIVE, & Rise Up <br />Willowick) received <br />3.14.2022 <br />6 Suggested Action Change: Action CM-3.6: Fresh and Healthy Foods - Pursue <br />programs, incentives, and/or grants to encourage urban agriculture and small <br />grocery or convenience stores to sell fresh foods in the city, especially those <br />within environmental justice area boundaries. Conduct a study to identify <br />areas of the City that lack access to fresh and healthy foods. Examples include <br />grants or loans to purchase updated equipment, publicity, or directories of <br />healthy food outlets, or connecting stores to wholesale sources of healthy, <br />local, or organic food. <br />Recommended New Action: CM-3.6A: Food Deserts. Collaborate with Orange County Health Care <br />Agency (OCHCA) to gather and map food desert data, and share publicly through the City's <br />Environmental Quality webpage. <br />Food deserts were researched as part of the development of the draft General Plan. That <br />research revealed that no food desert areas currently exist in Santa Ana. To monitor and <br />visualize this data, staff recommends adding a new action to collaborate with OCHCA to gather <br />and map data and make it available to the public through the Environmental Quality webpage <br />(webpage is proposed as part of Action CN-1.10). Once the data is gathered and mapped, <br />funds and effort resulting from Action CM-3.6 to create a program to expand fresh and healthy <br />food options in the City can be tailored and targeted to any areas that may develop into food <br />deserts over time. <br />Collaborative Letter <br />(MPNA, OCEJ, <br />THRIVE, & Rise Up <br />Willowick) received <br />3.14.2022 <br />Page 1