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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Resolution No. 2022-XXX <br />Page 2 of 7 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />County Register, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Santa Ana—stating <br />that an environmental impact report would be prepared; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21083.9 and CEQA <br />Guidelines Sections 15082(c) and 15083, the City held a duly noticed scoping meeting <br />on March 5, 2020, to solicit comments on the scope of the environmental review of the <br />proposed project; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, a Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (“Draft PEIR”) (State <br />Clearinghouse No. 2020029087) was prepared for the proposed project addressing <br />comments received in response to the Notice of Preparation and evaluating the <br />proposed project’s potentially significant environmental impacts; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Draft PEIR identified five significant and unavoidable impacts <br />associated with the project that pertain to Air Quality, Cultural Resources, Greenhouse <br />Gas Emissions, Noise, and Population and Housing; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Draft PEIR further determined that the proposed project would <br />require mitigation related to air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, geology <br />and soils, greenhouse gas emissions, noise, and tribal cultural resources; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, consistent with State CEQA Guidelines Section 15087(e), the Draft <br />PEIR was circulated for review and comment to the public, City Council, Planning <br />Commission, local, regional and state agencies, and interested parties for a 45-day <br />review period, from August 3, 2020, to September 16, 2020, a period that was extended <br />thereafter to October 6, 2020; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the City released the Final PEIR, which consists of the Draft PEIR, <br />all technical appendices prepared in support of the Draft PEIR, all written comment <br />letters received on the Draft PEIR, errata to the Draft PEIR and technical appendices; <br />and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, on November 9, 2020, the Planning Commission conducted a duly <br />noticed public hearing to consider the Final PEIR and General Plan Update, at which <br />the Planning Commission voted not to certify the Final PEIR and continue work on the <br />General Plan Update to a future date to allow additional time for outreach to Santa <br />Ana’s environmental justice (EJ) communities and in view of the COVID-19 pandemic; <br />and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, in 2021, a Recirculated Draft Program Environmental Impact Report <br />(“Recirculated Draft PEIR”) was prepared as a supplemental analysis to the original <br />Draft PEIR to reflect updates to the project and based on an intensive, extended <br />community outreach program conducted by the City between January and May 2021;