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Santa Ana General Plan Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement <br />Of Overriding Considerations -21- October 2021 <br />IV. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES THAT WERE DETERMINED NOT TO BE POTENTIALLY <br />AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT <br />A. IMPACTS DETERMINED TO BE LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT DURING THE SCOPING <br />PROCESS <br />Based on the public scoping process (including review of NOP responses and input at the public <br />scoping meeting), in addition to analysis prepared for the Draft PEIR, the City determined, based <br />upon the threshold criteria for significance, that the project would have no impact or a less than <br />significant impact on the following potential environmental issues (see Updated Draft PEIR, <br />Chapter 8, Impacts Found Not to Be Significant). It was determined, therefore, that these potential <br />environmental issues would be precluded from detailed discussion in the Draft PEIR. Based upon <br />the environmental analysis presented in the Draft PEIR, and the comments received by the public <br />on the Draft PEIR, no substantial evidence was submitted to or identified by the City which <br />indicated that the project would have an impact on the following environmental areas: <br />(a) Agriculture and Forestry Resources: The City does not have any significant agricultural <br />resources. Additionally, Santa Ana has no land designated or zoned for agricultural use and <br />does not have any land subject to a Williamson Act contract. Santa Ana does not have any <br />land designated or zoned for forestland, timberland, or zoned Timberland Production. <br />(b) Wildfire: According to CAL FIRE, the nearest fire hazard severity zone (FHSZ) in an SRA to <br />the City of Santa Ana is a high FHSZ about 4.0 miles east along the western edge of Loma <br />Ridge. The nearest FHSZ in an LRA is about 3.8 miles away at the southern tip of the Peters <br />Canyon Regional Park. The city is not in or near SRAs or lands classified as very high FHSZs. <br />Additionally, no area in the city is on the wildland-urban interface. <br />All other topical areas of evaluation included in the Environmental Checklist were determined to <br />require further assessment in the Draft PEIR. <br />B. IMPACTS DE TERMINED TO BE LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT IN THE PEIR <br />This section identifies impacts of the proposed project determined to be less than significant <br />without implementation of project-specific mitigation measures. This determination, however, <br />does assume compliance with existing regulations, as detailed in each respective topical section <br />of Chapter 5 in the Updated Draft PEIR. <br />(a) Aesthetics: Buildout under the GPU will be at a greater intensity/density in all five focus <br />areas compared to existing conditions. While maximum height would generally be similar to <br />existing buildings, the overall increase in allowed intensity and height across the focus areas <br />would lead to a visually denser urban setting and alter Santa Ana’s existing skyline. Buildout <br />under the GPU would not have a substantial adverse effect on scenic vistas (such as the <br />Santa Ana River and Santiago Creek) since these existing open space parcels would remain <br />unchanged. Additionally, no state scenic highways, eligible or officially designated, traverse <br />the city nor are located near the city. Therefore, the GPU would not damage scenic <br />resources, including rock outcroppings, trees, and historic buildings within state scenic