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Item 30 - EIR No. 2020-03 and GPA No.2020-06 Santa Ana General Plan Update
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
04/19/2022 Regular
Item 30 - EIR No. 2020-03 and GPA No.2020-06 Santa Ana General Plan Update
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City Clerk
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Santa Ana General Plan Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement <br />Of Overriding Considerations -23- October 2021 <br />(g) Hazards and Hazardous Materials: Construction and operations under the GPU would <br />involve the transport, use, and/or disposal of hazardous materials; however, compliance with <br />existing regulations would ensure that construction workers and the general public are not <br />exposed to any risks related to hazardous materials during demolition and construction. <br />Furthermore, strict adherence to all emergency response plan requirements set by the <br />Orange County Fire Authority would be required throughout the duration of project <br />construction. GPU buildout is expected to result in some increase in the number of hazardous <br />waste generators; however, hazardous wastes would be stored, transported, and disposed <br />of in conformance with existing regulations of the EPA, US Department of Transportation, <br />CalRecycle, and other agencies. Use, storage, transport, and disposal of hazardous <br />materials in conformance with regulations would reduce both the likelihood of an accidental <br />release and the potential consequences in the event of an accidental release. <br />The plan area includes 555 sites on a list of hazardous materials compiled pursuant to <br />Government Code Section 65962.5 that could create a significant hazard to the public or the <br />environment. Any development, redevelopment, or reuse on or next to any of these sites <br />would require environmental site assessment by a qualified environmental professional to <br />ensure that the project would not disturb hazardous materials on any of the hazardous <br />materials sites or plumes of hazardous materials diffusing from one of the hazardous <br />materials sites, and that any proposed development, redevelopment, or reuse would not <br />create a substantial hazard to the public or the environment. <br />Santa Ana is in the vicinity of an airport or within the jurisdiction of an airport land use plan. <br />Projects approved under the proposed GPU would be required to comply with FAA airspace <br />protection regulations using the AELUP consistency determination process. <br />The buildout of the GPU would not result in substantial changes to the circulation patterns or <br />emergency access routes, and would not block or otherwise interfere with use of evacuation <br />routes. Buildout would not interfere with operation of the City’s Emergency Operations Center <br />and would not interfere with operations of emergency response agencies or with coordination <br />and cooperation between such agencies. <br />Santa Ana is not in a designated fire hazard zone, and implementation of the GPU will not <br />expose structures and/or residences to wildland fire danger. <br />(h) Hydrology and Water Quality: Projects pursuant to the GPU would not violate any water <br />quality standards or waste discharge requirements or otherwise substantially degrade <br />surface or groundwater quality. Development pursuant to the GPU would increase the <br />demand on groundwater use but would not impede sustainable groundwater management <br />of the basin. Development pursuant to the GPU would increase the amount of pervious <br />surfaces in the plan area, but could substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff <br />in some focus areas in a manner which would result in flooding off-site or contribute runoff <br />water that would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems. In <br />flood hazard, tsunami, or seiche zones, development pursuant to the GPU would not risk <br />release of pollutants due to project inundation or impede or redirect flood flows. Development
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