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Santa Ana General Plan Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement <br />Of Overriding Considerations -36- October 2021 <br />Implementation of Mitigation Measures CUL-4 through CUL-7 would reduce impacts relating to <br />tribal cultural resources to less than significant. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />Refer to Mitigation Measures CUL-4 through CUL-7 in section A.3, above. <br />Finding <br />Finding 1. The City hereby makes Finding 1. Changes or alterations have been required in, or <br />incorporated into, the project that avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental <br />effect as identified in the PEIR. These changes are identified in the form of the mitigation <br />measures above. The City of Santa Ana hereby finds that implementation of the mitigation <br />measures is feasible, and the measures are therefore adopted. <br />Impact 5.17-2: The proposed project could cause a substantial adverse change in the <br />significance of a tribal cultural resource that is determined by the lead <br />agency to be significant pursuant to criteria in Public Resources Code <br />Section 5024.1(c). <br />Future development as a result of the implementation of the GPU could include grading in portions <br />of the City with sensitivity to tribal cultural resources. Grading and construction activities that <br />require more intensive soil excavation than in the past could potentially cause disturbance to tribal <br />cultural resources. Future development could potentially unearth previously unknown or <br />unrecorded tribal cultural resources. <br />Because the NAHC SLF search yielded positive results and the Gabrieleño Band of Mission <br />Indians – Kizh Nation identified sensitive areas within the city, the buildout of the GPU may cause <br />a substantial adverse change in the significance of tribal cultural resources. Earthwork activities <br />may occur with buildout under the GPU that could impact previously undisturbed tribal cultural <br />resources. <br />Implementation of Mitigation Measures CUL-4 through CUL-7 would reduce impacts relating to <br />tribal cultural resources to less than significant. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />Refer to Mitigation Measures CUL-4 through CUL-7 in section A.3, above. <br />Finding <br />Finding 1. The City hereby makes Finding 1. Changes or alterations have been required in, or <br />incorporated into, the project that avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental <br />effect as identified in the PEIR. These changes are identified in the form of the mitigation <br />measures above. The City of Santa Ana hereby finds that implementation of the mitigation <br />measures is feasible, and the measures are therefore adopted.