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Santa Ana General Plan Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement <br />Of Overriding Considerations -39- October 2021 <br />finds that implementation of the mitigation measure is feasible, and the measure is therefore <br />adopted. <br />However, the City finds that there are no other mitigation measures that are feasible, taking into <br />consideration specific economic, legal, social, technological or other factors, that would mitigate <br />this impact to a less-than-significant level, and further, that specific economic, legal, social, <br />technological, or other considerations, including considerations for the provision of employment <br />opportunities for highly trained workers, make infeasible the alternatives identified in the PEIR, as <br />discussed in Section G of these Findings (Public Resources Code §§ 21081(a)(1), (3); Guidelines <br />§§ 15091(a)(1), (3)). As described in the Statement of Overriding Considerations, the City has <br />determined that this impact is acceptable because specific overriding economic, legal, social, <br />technological, or other benefits, including regionwide or statewide environmental benefits, of the <br />GPU outweigh its significant effects on the environment. <br />Impact 5.2-2: Construction activities associated with future development that would be <br />accommodated under the General Plan Update could generate short-term <br />emissions in exceedance of the South Coast Air Quality Management <br />District’s threshold criteria. <br />Support for this environmental impact conclusion is fully discussed in Section 5.2, Air Quality, <br />starting on page 5.2-47 of the Updated Draft PEIR. <br />Buildout of the GPU would occur over a period of approximately 25 years or longer. Construction <br />activities associated with buildout of the GPU could generate short-term emissions that exceed <br />the South Coast AQMD’S significance thresholds during this time and cumulatively contribute to <br />the nonattainment designations of the SoCAB. Implementation of Mitigation Measure AQ-1 would <br />reduce criteria air pollutant emissions from construction-related activities to the extent feasible. <br />However, construction time frames and equipment for site-specific development projects are not <br />available at this time, and there is a potential for multiple development projects to be constructed <br />at one time, resulting in significant construction-related emissions. Therefore, despite adherence <br />to Mitigation Measure AQ-1, Impact 5.2-2 would remain significant and unavoidable. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />AQ-1 Prior to discretionary approval by the City of Santa Ana for development projects <br />subject to CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) review (i.e., non-exempt <br />projects), project applicants shall prepare and submit a technical assessment <br />evaluating potential project construction-related air quality impacts to the City of Santa <br />Ana for review and approval. The evaluation shall be prepared in conformance with <br />South Coast Air Quality Management District (South Coast AQMD) methodology for <br />assessing air quality impacts. If construction-related criteria air pollutants are <br />determined to have the potential to exceed the South Coast AQMD’s adopted <br />thresholds of significance, the City of Santa Ana shall require that applicants for new <br />development projects incorporate mitigation measures to reduce air pollutant <br />emissions during construction activities. These identified measures shall be