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Amend Agreement with Graffiti Protective Coatings, Inc. <br />April 5, 2022 <br />Page 2 <br />result, the graffiti removal services program was allocated an additional $300,000 for <br />Fiscal Year 2021-22 and $600,000 in future funding on an on -going, yearly basis. The <br />funds will be used to add three technicians to support the current team of six that services <br />the entire City. The additional technicians will assist in maintaining a rapid response time <br />(48 hours average) and address graffiti issues in high -foot -traffic areas, such as the <br />railroad properties, arterials, bike trails and other high -visibility areas. <br />The item was continued from the March 15, 2022, City Council meeting to allow staff time <br />to also address graffiti abatement at City -owned downtown parking structures. Staff <br />successfully negotiated a below -market price for graffiti removal services which will be <br />provided at four City -owned parking structures and one surface parking lot, seven days a <br />week. <br />In further efforts to prevent graffiti within the parking structures, the City's Community <br />Development Agency is collaborating with the Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) <br />to develop the Santa Ana Graffiti Arts Program (GAP) for SAUSD high school students. <br />The program focuses on the top floor of the parking structure located at 420 N Main Street <br />and will be implemented this summer. <br />Five to seven local professional mural artists, specializing in diverse mural painting <br />techniques (portraiture, lettering, tiling, etc.), will be selected through an application <br />process to teach students how to research, design, and install large public art murals over <br />the course of three months. The final products will be covered in an anti -graffiti coating to <br />protect the murals from both unwanted markings and UV rays. By exposing students to <br />painting and learning through the arts, GAP will achieve significant developmental youth <br />outcomes, reduce youth participation in unsafe activities, and combat the teen dropout <br />rate. By collaborating with local professional mural artists, GAP's curriculum will cultivate <br />the students' artistic skills, increase their knowledge of local history, and introduce them <br />to a network of professional artists and resources. <br />Additionally, as part of the Revive Santa Ana Property Compliance/Assistance Program <br />and the Sanitization and Prevention Program, staff and contractors will be working with <br />property owners throughout the city to offer financial assistance to address property <br />compliance issues, eliminate blight and beautify the city. The programs may include the <br />installation of landscaping treatments along block walls, fences, trash enclosures and the <br />back of buildings visible to a public street, freeway or railroad to prevent graffiti in qualified <br />census tracts throughout the city. Staff is finalizing program information and guidelines. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT <br />There is no environmental impact associated with the action. <br />