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Item 37 - City Charter
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
04/05/2022 Special and Regular & HA
Item 37 - City Charter
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Last modified
8/16/2023 10:38:02 AM
Creation date
8/16/2023 10:37:29 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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Sec. 1002. - Civil service and excepted service. <br />The civil service system of the City shall cover all employees of the City not <br />excepted by this section. <br />The excepted service shall comprise the following offices and positions: <br />The individual offices held by all elective officers-, <br />The City Manager and the City Manager's his assistants, if any; <br />3) The City Attorney and the City Attorney' s h+s legal assistants, if any-, <br />W! The Clerk of the Council-, (5) The &ec4ar f fiRaRW <br />61 The d Fec+nr of norcnnnal if <br />L57} The head of each department of the City as specified by ordinance or <br />resolution R9t G!he.r,.,iSo S rif orl h.r.rr,:R Rd +ha rh.vf .-1.,-, o+ram+;,.a Off,,. -or <br />nf+hke F4sde eiG r.+ agBFi Gy ,-,f toe F'ty Of Car.+a Ar,a and of the <br />housing authority of the City of Santa Ana, but not including the police chief <br />or the fire chief, <br />L6) One private secretary to the City Manager; <br />f8] All members of boards and commissions; <br />LM) Positions occupied by persons employed to render professional, <br />scientific, technical; or expert service of an occasional and exceptional <br />nature, <br />L44) Positions in any class or grade created for a special or temporary <br />purpose;, an`I— <br />cm r hmG r" <br />h rF. o +n exist. W_ o per rd of not longer+han n Stir (90) <br />day5l. <br />12)-PoSifi ens of a Glass OF Fade a mpted- frr.m the r ail o - e_ for a <br />Of Giw f91 .-. ORthS in aRy ralar.rlar YeaF r. Virled !hall +hen SqFiRel <br />bGarrl p1:i,-n+l <br />r.r. 9f eha IQ ly 4Aa.,ageF @Rd aft8F n..d,li.- R@t;.-a a-Rd- <br />heariRgG F nr..+r +.-. +ha Gity GO RGil r Gh a R..+iGR Rd +ho f ty <br /> o an+S S .rho m.nfiryn by FF19t adopted by two UNrds ( 23) of i+v members. <br />Any S .rh. n mn+ion Shall no+ affRnr# +hcn. +an..ra. of aRy Person arhese <br />a in+rnnnf har- harnme final sepviGei 104;} <br />Part-time positions or- employments; Fe9wiFiRg less than VWeRty r29, Feg <br />filar hn.arc of n nln...FReW n olr 14) <br />9Ghn9l r ar sl 116) <br />All positions occupied by persons employed to replace employees ordered <br />to active duty, enlisted, or drafted for military service during a M <br />national <br />emergency or when this country has declared war and until the expiration <br />of the time when such replaced employee could demand his former <br />position of employment under federal or state statutes. 0hy <br />The civil service shall comprise all positions not specifically included by <br />this section in the excepted service. ror <br />In the event an officer or employee of the City holding a position in the civil <br />service is appointed to a position in the excepted service and should subsequently <br />be removed -therefrom within twelve (12) months of the employee' <br />s appointment to the excepted service, the employee shall revert to <br />the employee's his former position in the civil service without loss of any rights <br />or privileges and upon the same terms and conditions as if the employee <br />had remained in said position continuously. Slide <br />29 Charter <br />Review City <br />Manager's Office April <br />5,2022
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