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41, Security M1Huru. lessee hereby acknowledges that thC! Rent p.y;ible to tes.sor hereunder does not Include the cort orsuard service or other security <br />meuures, and that Less.or shall have no obl igation whaUoever to provide same, lessee auumes all responslbllltv for lhf protl!ctton of the Premises, lus ee, Its <br />agents and Invite es ind thalr properw from the 11cb of thlfd partle$, <br />41, AaserutlonJ, lessor reserves 10 Itself the right, from time to time, to gra nt. without the con sent or Jolnder of Leuee. such easements, rights and dedlcitlons <br />that Lessor deems necessary, and tocau$e the recordatton of pa rcel riups and restricti ons, �o loos as such e-a$9ments, rlghu, ded ication,, map$ and restriction s do <br />not uMeuonably ln1e-rlere with thl!use of tl1t>Premhes by Leuee. asrees to sign any do cuments reuonably requuted b� Lusor to elf11.ctuate any wch <br />usem&nt rlghu, dedkatlon, map orra,trlulons, <br />43, Performnnce Under Pr0tmt, If at any tfme ti dl$pute Jhall arise as to anv amount or ,um of money to be paid by one Party 10 the olher under the provblons <br />here of, the Party against whom the obUga lfon to pay the money Is as�erted $hall have the right lo make payment Hund er protest" and suth payment �hal l not be: <br />raaarded u a voluntary l)!olyment ·and thtre shall survive the right 011 the pat\ ol s,1ld hrty to lllltltute suit ror ree0¥'f!ry of such sum. If It shillt � ad)ude,ed that there <br />was no legtl obli9a tlo11 on the part of said Party lo pay such sum or My part the reof, S-ald Party shalt be entitled to reeover 1uch SUM or so much thereof aJ It was not <br />legally required to pay, A Party who doe5 not lnlttate suit for the recoverv of s:ums paid "under protest• within 6 months shall be deemed to ha\lf! we!ved Its right to <br />protest suth payment, <br />44, Authority; Muttlple Parties; Eocutlon, <br />(a)If either Party hereto Is a corporatto n, trust, llmlted llablllty eomp&ny, pa rtnenhlp, or similar enti ty, each lndlvldUill fllCf!tUtins this Lea � on behalf of <br />such entity 1epruents and wart.ants that he or she lsdulv authorlJ:ed to execute and denver this Laase on Its behalf. Each Party th all, within 30 days after rtque st, <br />dellffl to the other Party satbfa t1o,v evidence of sueh authority, <br />(b) If this Lease Is executed by more than one Pfrson or entll'( as •tesiee", each sueh f)tl11on or erufty shall be jointly and severalty Habit: hereunder, n ls <br />agreed that any one oftM named lessees shalt betmpowered to @Kl!.CUte anv 1mendment to this Lease.or other document andllary thereto and bind all of the <br />named Leuett, and Le:uor rnay Nllyon the same as If all of the namei:I Lessoo s had executed such document. <br />(c) This L£!ase may be executed by the Parties In counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an orlglnal and aU of whlth tot1,ether shall connnute one <br />and the same Instrument. <br />4S. Confll<:t, My connlct betw«!n the pr!nted pro'llsl0n$ ofthli LetJse and the typewritten or handwrltte n provhkms shall be controlled by the typewritten or <br />handwritten prOYlslons, I <br />46.Offer, Preparation of thll Lent by e1the1 Party or their a sen, and submlst.Jon of nme to the other Party shall not be offer to lease to the other <br />Party, This lease Is not Intended to be binding until exe cutei1 and dellvere.d by all Parties hereto. <br />47, Amendments, This lease may bl:! modified only In Wl'ltlns, signed by the Partfes.ln Interest at the time ol the modlftcatlon, ,u long u they do not materlally <br />cllange Lessee's obllgati ons heieun der, Lessee agtees to makt such rea$onablt non•mo11elary modUlcatioM to this Lease as may be reawno1bly requlred by a Lender <br />In connection wltl\ the obta ining of normal flnanclns or reflnanclna of the Premises.. <br />48, Wal�r of JuryTrla l, TffE PARTIES H£R£BV WA 'Ne THEIR RESPECTIVE RIGHTS TO TRIAL BY JUftV IN ANY ACTION OR PROCEEDING tNVOLVING THE PROPER TV <br />OR ARISING our OF THIS AilREEMENT. <br />�9. Arbitration of Disputes, An Addendum requiring the Arbltra 1lon of alt disputes between the Parties and/or srokeN arising out of this ltilSe D I� !;21 Is. not <br />attached to this Lea se. <br />SO. Ac:cenlbU\ty; Amittlcans with tJlsablUtto!Att, <br />(al The Premises/ <br />� ha11e not underaooe an intpectlon by I CQrttfled Aeceu Spedallst jCMp), Note: A O!rtlfttdAcu ss Spt<ialist (CA.Sp} can Inspect the subject prf!mlws and tl@lerrnltu? whether I.he subject premls.11l C(ll'rtply with all of the appllcuble conJtruetiOl\•tthned ac<esslbillfy slandards under state: law. Although state law does not <br />require a CASp<tlon of the subject premises, the i:omme1clal property 0\111\er or lessor may not proh ibit the leu� or ttnant fro m obtalnlne a C/\Sp ll'lspectlon of <br />the �ubject premises for thfl occupancy or poUndal oo:upanc:y of the lessee or uinant, If 1eq1mted by the les�e Cf tenant. The partros fflall mu tually aaree on the <br />;mans ements fM the time and manner of the CASp Inspection, the payment ol the fee for the CASplnspection. and the tost ot ma kins any rep;ilr, nece:smv to <br />correct 11lolatlons of construction-r elated actesslbl llty standardi within the premises. D have-und e.rgone an Inspection by a Certthed Accessspec\allst !CASPI lnd It was determined that the Premkes met all applk:able con strur.tton-related <br />att e.sslblllty standards pursuant to Calllomla Olll Code §S5,51 et seq, leute acknowledges that II rec.eive.d a copy of the rupactlon report at 1-ean 48 hours pr lot to <br />exetutlne this Lease and asrees to keep such rt port conlldenl1al, D kGW? undergone en 11'\SJ":Ctlon by a Certl ft� Accen SpedaHU (CASp) and It was dete rmined ttrrt the Premises did not meet all appllcablo constructfan•related <br />acce.sslbHl\y standard s pun;uant to Ca!lfomla CIV Ii Code §55.Sl et seq, less2e admowledees that It received a copy \'If the ln$pectlon report at least48 hours prlor lo <br />exetuune, this lease and agrees to keep su(h report co nftdenttal eic«ipt a, necesury to <::Olllplete Jepatrs and corre cttoos. of violation$ of constr uction related <br />accu1ibillty standards. <br />In the event that the Pre lliises have been Issued an lnspe ttfon report by a CASp the Le ssor shall provide a, copy of the d\$llbilltV acc�SJ. irispec.tlon certiflc-te to lessee <br />within 7 days of I he execution of t.hlSLose. <br />lb) Si nce complfa/'IC� with the Americans wllh DlSilblllties Aet (ADA) illnd other state ancl local aeces1lbllltv statute1 arede:pendent ur;cn Lessee'sspetlhc <br />us.e of the P�mlses, Leuor maku rio warranty or tl!presentatlon as to whether or not the Premises comply with AOA or any slmUar legls,Gtlon, In the Qve nt thal <br />Les see's use or the Premlses requr1es modlrii:auons or addlttons to the P1eml$es ln order to be In compl11nce with ADA or other acte.ssibU\ty statutes, Lessee agrees to <br />make arr•/ sud\ nete!.sary modificatiMt and/or additions at lessee's eicpe1ue, <br />LESSOR ANO LESSU HAV£ CAREFULLY READ ANO REVlfWEOTHlS LE ME.AND EACH TERM ANO PROVISION CONtAINED liEREIN, AND BY TttE EXetu'TI ON OF THlS <br />LEASE SHOW lllEI� INFORMED AND VOLUNTARY CON$ENT THER ETO, TI-IE PARTIES Ht RE BY AGRl!E tttAT, AT THE TIME ntl:S LWE IS EXECUTED, THE TERMS OF <br />THIS LEASE AR£COMMtRCI A.llV l\fASONA BLEANO EFffCTUATE THE tNlENT ANO PURPOSE Of WSDR AND I.E$SEEWITH ltESPECflOTHE PIIEMISES, <br />rotmON : NO R£PREUNTATION OR RECOMM ENDATION 15 MADE BV AIR Cfl.E OR B� ANY BROKER AS 10 THE LEG.Al SUFF!CIENCY, LEGAL EFFl!:O, OR TA X <br />INITIALS � <br />© 2019 AIR CRE, All RIBht, Re,erve d. Last Edlted: 2/25/2021 9:Sl AM <br />STN•21.30, Revi,ed 11-25·2019 Pase 15 of 16 <br />EXHIBIT 1