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City of Santa Ana <br />Master Agreement No. 64AO274 <br />Page 24 of 26 <br />-2- <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all properties, discovered with hazardous wastes, which exceed the <br />federal/state standards, will be cleaned up to the satisfaction of the responsible local, state and/or federal <br />regulatory agency. The appropriate regulatory agency shall certify to grant applicant that the cleanup has <br />been completed; and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the grant applicant will certify by formal resolution to the Commission <br />that all reasonable steps have been completed to assure full due diligence in the discovery of hazardous <br />waste has been achieved during the acquisition of rail right-of-way and the state is held harmless from <br />cleanup liability or damages, both present and future; and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the grant applicant will certify by formal resolution that it will not <br />seek further state funding, for cleanup, damages, or liability cost associated with hazardous wastes on or <br />below acquired property's surface; and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the grant applicant will certify to the Commission: <br />• that all rail right-of-way acquisition properties have been investigated and have been found clean; <br />• or that the cleanup of discovered hazardous waste has been completed prior to acquisition of the <br />property; <br />• or that the grant applicant has obtained permanent easement and the subsurface rights and liability and <br />full responsibility to pay for and remove such hazardous waste remains with the seller in conformance <br />with applicable State and Federal law; <br />• or if hazardous wastes are known to exist prior to acquisition and if the applicant determines that time is <br />of the essence for acquisition, then and in that event, an enforceable agreement will be entered into <br />requiring the responsible party(ies) to clean all hazardous wastes by a date certain, with the option of <br />funds sufficient for the clean-up costs deposited in escrow by the seller. <br />In the event of failure to clean up by the date determined, the recipient of the grant will make full restitution <br />to the STATE for its participation. This resolve does not preclude the recipient from requesting re -allocation <br />not to exceed the refunded amount after the hazardous waste(s) have been fully removed from the subject <br />site; and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the grant applicant will certify to the Commission that the seller from <br />whom properties have been acquired retain liability for any hazardous waste investigation and/or cleanup, <br />and damages discovered subsequent to the transfer of title; and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Commission declares all future liability resulting from hazardous wastes <br />remain with the seller or the grant applicant, not the state, and the grant applicant has been indemnified by <br />the seller for any costs resulting from failure to eliminate hazardous wastes; and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, no state funds will be made available for any future costs associated with <br />cleanup; damages, or liability costs associated with hazardous wastes on or below the acquired property's <br />surface. <br />Revised December 23,2020 <br />