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Item 41 - EIR No. 2020-03 and GPA No.2020-06 Santa Ana General Plan Update
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
12/21/2021 Regular
Item 41 - EIR No. 2020-03 and GPA No.2020-06 Santa Ana General Plan Update
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EIR No. 2020-03 and GPA No.2020-06 Santa Ana General Plan Update <br />December 7, 2021 <br />Page 4 <br />from the prior community outreach, the GPAG was critical in developing goals and policies <br />that would serve as the foundation of the General Plan elements. The GPAG was also <br />tasked with functions such as formulating a community vision, identifying area -wide and <br />community -wide land use planning issues, and prioritizing economic development activities. <br />The GPAG was comprised of representatives from various commissions, residents, <br />business owners, interest groups, youth and property owners to represent the community's <br />interests. The GPAG held several meetings through 2016, providing direction to staff on <br />key matters that are now embodied in the updated General Plan. <br />Environmental Justice Focus <br />As directed by Planning Commission public hearing on November 9, 2020, additional <br />outreach was conducted to further provide Santa Ana's disadvantaged communities, or <br />environmental justice (EJ) communities", an opportunity to share their experiences and <br />and issues regarding environmental health and quality of life. Thus, Planning staff <br />facilitated a multi -faceted outreach campaign during January through May 2021. The <br />campaign began with the gathering of a General Plan Outreach Roundtable, with <br />representatives from community serving organizations, neighborhood associations, and <br />local stakeholders providing ideas and feedback on tools and strategies that could be <br />used to effectively engage as many community members as possible. This effort included <br />a multilingual EJ Survey (electronic and hard copy), which was publicized on various <br />social media platforms, neighborhood yard signs, and collaboration with community <br />groups and neighborhood leaders. Ten virtual community forums were held due to <br />COVID-19; each focusing in on listening to the lived experiences of residents, property <br />owners, and community stakeholders within specific geographic areas in the city that are <br />identified as "EJ communities." Trilingual (English, Spanish and Vietnamese) flyers <br />encouraging participation in the 10 community forums and EJ survey were mailed to over <br />40,000 property owners and residents/occupant within Santa Ana's EJ communities. <br />Finally, in August 2021 one in -person EJ forum was held to share the results of the EJ survey <br />and proposed general plan policy and program refinements, as well as to host a panel <br />discussion with local EJ "champions" such a Madison Park, OCEJ and the Orange County <br />Water District. <br />PROPOSED 2020-2045 GENERAL PLAN — SANTA ANA: GOLDEN CITY BEYOND <br />Development of Core Values <br />A variety of community issues and considerations were identified through the different <br />community outreach activities. With this community input, and with the input of the GPAG, <br />a Draft General Plan Policy Framework was created in December 2018. Included within the <br />Framework was a set of Community "Core Values" that were created to collectively reflect <br />the voice of the Santa Ana community and to express its environmental justice principals. <br />These Core Values: Health, Equity, Sustainability, Culture and Education, serve as the <br />City Council 41 — 4 12/21/2021
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