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Item 17 - Second Reading of Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 2021-03
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
12/21/2021 Regular
Item 17 - Second Reading of Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 2021-03
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City Clerk
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Clerk of the Council
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4) The provisions of Section 41-1904(c)(1) may only be modified by the <br />affirmative vote of at least five (5) members of the City Council. <br />Sec. 41-1904.1. Inclusionary housing development incentives for production of <br />units. <br />(a) In order to make the production of new inclusionary units on -site or off -site or off - <br />site rehabilitated units, certain incentives, standards and concessions shall be allowed <br />and prescribed as set forth herein below. Such concessions shall not be available to those <br />developers that choose to pay an in lieu fee rather than build the units. The developer <br />may opt to take advantage of up to two (2) concessions among the following possible <br />concessions: <br />(1) Parking concession. One on -site parking space for each zero to one <br />bedroom unit; two (2) on -site parking spaces for each two (2) to three (3) bedroom unit; <br />two and one-half (2'/2) parking spaces for each four (4) or more bedroom unit. <br />(2) Concession on one of the following Zoning Code site development <br />standards: <br />(i) Setback reduction of up to twenty-five (25) percent reduction on <br />subject property; <br />(ii) Height increase of up to twenty (20) additional feet. <br />(b) A developer of a for sale residential project proposing to provide on -site moderate <br />income units and a surrounding community benefit may opt to take advantage of up to <br />three (3) of the above concessions. The surrounding community benefit will include but <br />not be limited to park improvements, urban community gardens, developer -funded down <br />payment assistance, or subsidy of services, activities or programs. <br />1) Local Density Bonus. For each 1 percent increase above 5 percent in the <br />percentage of for -sale units affordable to moderate income households, the base density <br />shall be increased by 1.5 percent up to a maximum of 35 percent. <br />Sec. 41-1905. Housing plan and housing agreement. <br />(a) Submittal and execution. The developer shall comply with the following <br />requirements: <br />(1) Inclusionary housing plan. The developer shall submit an inclusionary <br />housing plan in a form specified by the executive director, detailing how the provisions of <br />this article will be implemented for the proposed residential project. The inclusionary <br />housing plan and its supportive documents, plans, and details shall be submitted at the <br />same time as the site plan and application materials for the original project. All <br />inclusionary housing plans shall be subject to the approval of the executive director and <br />subject to appeal processes and procedures set forth in the Santa Ana Municipal Code. <br />City Council 17 — 12 aq 142J02*-xxx <br />Page 10 of 18 <br />
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