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Item 27 - Agreements for Grant Writing Services
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
12/21/2021 Regular
Item 27 - Agreements for Grant Writing Services
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Last modified
8/16/2023 3:49:47 PM
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8/16/2023 3:49:40 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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<br />pedestrian and bicycle access to accommodate the expansion of Metrolink services, OC <br />Streetcar Project and the addition of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). <br />Santa Ana Boulevard is a six-lane east-west principal arterial and currently carries in excess <br />of 20,000 vehicles per day. Within the City, OCTA Metrolink RR is a north-south two- <br />track railroad. At SARTC, this railroad serves Metrolink, Amtrak, Union Pacific (UP) and <br />Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF), which connects freight and residents of central <br />Orange County with the outlying areas of nearby regions, including Los Angeles, Inland <br />Empire, San Diego and beyond. Due to increasing demand for inter and intra-county rail <br />services resulting from growth in population and employment in the surrounding areas, the <br />City proposes the grade separation to alleviate the current and potential traffic impacts and <br />hazards posed by the existing at-grade rail crossing at Santa Ana Boulevard and OCTA <br />Metrolink RR. Based on approved environmental documents and PSRE, the proposed <br />PROJECT will depress Santa Ana Boulevard under the railroad tracks to provide <br />uninterrupted flow of roadway and rail traffic, which will improve freight movement, <br />corridor crossing safety, and air quality. <br />In 2014, preparation of a Project Report and Environmental Analysis (Attachment 4) were <br />completed. These efforts were based on the existing conditions at the time; however, with <br />the implementation of the OC Streetcar and recent development activities, along with <br />changes in regulatory requirements, additional analysis will be required to accommodate <br />these changes. <br />CONSULTANT SERVICES <br />The City is seeking to contract with a qualified individual or firm that specializes in grant <br />writing and grant administration. The selected individual or firm shall be expected to <br />expeditiously perform the necessary services required under this Request for Proposal and <br />must have the capacity to handle multiple grant applications concurrently. A funding plan <br />will be required with detailed information about the programs, purpose, agencies, timeline, <br />requirements, restrictions, match fund strategies and any pertinent information. <br />Part 1 – Overall Project Management and Administration <br />The Consultant shall provide the City support during the life of the grant funded PROJECT <br />at all phases such as environmental, design, right-of-way, construction, and PROJECT <br />completion, as it relates to the grant funding. <br />x Meetings – Meetings shall occur as needed or as determined by the City and shall <br />be held at the City of Santa Ana or by Teleconference. The Consultant shall prepare <br />and send out the agenda and any necessary communication documents a minimum <br />of five (5) business days in advance, prepare and distribute meeting minutes, new <br />action/decision items and disposition of previous action/decision items and other <br />communication documents within five (5) business days after the meeting to all <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 21-111 <br />Page A1-2
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