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<br />x Grant Funding Research – Conduct research to identify grant resources <br />including, but not limited to Federal, State, County, agencies, and organizations <br />available at all levels, that target elements of the PROJECT’S scope, funding needs, <br />and priorities (emphasizing grants which require no “matching” funds), including <br />but not limited to: <br />o Grant Proposal Development – Compile, write, and edit grant applications <br />and required documents on behalf of the City, including the preparation of <br />funding abstracts and production, and submittal of applications to funding <br />sources, keep in contact with funding sources during review and after approval, <br />and provide supporting material to all requests from funding sources. <br />o Cost Benefit Analysis – A detailed cost-benefit analysis shall be prepared as a <br />submittal requirement for the grant programs as requested by the City. <br />x Stakeholder Partnerships – Strong partnerships between the City and key project <br />stakeholders will tremendously strengthen grant applications. The consultant shall <br />lead efforts to foster partnerships between stakeholders including but not limited <br />to: <br />o Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) <br />o County of Orange <br />o Caltrans <br />o Railroad Agencies that use this corridor and will benefit from the <br />improvements. <br />o Private Developers <br />Successful proposers will demonstrate a history of fostering relationships that lead <br />to successfully obtaining grant funding. <br />x Key Deliverables <br />o Funding Needs Analysis/ Funding Plan <br />o Various Grant Application Submittals (Up to 4) <br />o Cost Benefit Analysis <br />o Stakeholder Coordination Efforts <br />CONSULTANT FEE: <br />Fee shall be prepared in accordance with tasks outlined in the introduction for up to four <br />(4) grants. Optional cost for additional grants should be included as well. <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 21-111 <br />Page A1-4