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<br />PART 2 – GRANT FUNDING AND STAKEHOLDER PARTNERSHIPS <br />2.1 Funding Needs Analysis/Funding Plan <br />Mark Thomas will analyze the existing SAGS project documents to assess the project funding needs and <br />opportunities. A funding plan will be developed to include information about potential programs and <br />purpose. The plan will include a grant funding resource table as described in Task 2.2 and the funding <br />plan workshop described in Task 2.3. We will also develop matching fund strategies. We will work with <br />City staff to assess the validity of the current funding opportunities and identify new priority areas for <br />funding. <br />We will also prepare a project fact sheet for SAGS. The fact sheet will include: <br />x Project Information: Project name, location, brief scope, schedule, funding needs, project <br />outputs, and project benefits/outcomes. <br />Location Map: Map showing project limits and typical roadway cross section graphic. <br />Funding Programs: List of applicable funding programs such as local funds, Senate Bill 1 <br />programs, and federal discretionary grants. <br />Community Benefit: Identification of the benefit to the community based on key project features. <br />Public Input: Brief description of public input received for the project. <br />x <br />x <br />x <br />x <br />2.2 Grant Funding Research <br />Mark Thomas will conduct research to identify grant resources available with federal, state, regional <br />agencies, and organizations. We will review funding programs for other grade separation projects, <br />including those delivered by Alameda Corridor East Construction Authority. The funding research will <br />target elements of the SAGS project scope, funding needs, and priorities. This evaluation and analysis <br />will be documented in a grant funding resource table that will include funding program, eligible SAGS <br />components, dates of next funding opportunity, match requirements, and estimated success probability. <br />The research will be summarized in the Funding Needs Analysis/Funding Plan. <br />2.3 Funding Plan Workshop <br />Mark Thomas will organize and facilitate a funding plan workshop to review the Funding Needs <br />Analysis/Funding Plan draft. We will work with the City to identify meeting attendees from project <br />stakeholders, as necessary. In addition to reviewing the draft funding plan, we will discuss the merits of <br />the grant programs, any additional funding opportunities not considered, grants applications to pursue, <br />and additional action items. The results from this workshop will be documented in a memorandum. <br />2.4 Stakeholder Partnerships <br />Mark Thomas will work with the City to identify a list of potential stakeholder partners that can assist in <br />strengthening the project’s grant funding efforts. We will coordinate with these stakeholders to gauge <br />their interest in supporting the City grade separation project and provide the agencies/companies with the <br />project fact sheet and supplemental and supporting information, as appropriate. Potential partners may <br />include OCTA, SCAG, Metrolink, CPUC, as well as organizations focused on goods movement, transit, <br />and transportation safety. We will keep a contact log of stakeholders, contact names and information, <br />dates contacted, and information requested or shared. <br />DELIVERABLES <br />x <br />x <br />x <br />Funding Needs Analysis/Funding Plan <br />Funding Plan Workshop Memo <br />Stakeholder Partnership Contact Log <br />PART 3 – FUNDING APPLICATIONS <br />Grant funding applications can vary widely based upon the various program requirements. In general, all <br />applications will include the preparation of grant narratives, maps and exhibits, and letters of support. <br />Funding applications complexity can vary based on the number of questions, length of narratives, <br />graphics needs, benefit cost analyses (BCAs), modeling, etc. Our proposed approach is to scope the <br />preparation of up to four (4) grant funding applications. This includes the preparation of the required BCA <br />models and performance measures. We have made assumptions of the grant applications to be <br />prepared. The exact four (4) applications to be prepared will be determined in Part 2 in coordination with <br />City staff. <br />GRANT WRITING SERVICES - SAGS <br />City of Santa Ana <br />MARK THOMAS <br />Scope of Works