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Item 32 - Depository Banking Services
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
12/21/2021 Regular
Item 32 - Depository Banking Services
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Last modified
8/16/2023 3:51:08 PM
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8/16/2023 3:51:02 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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<br />EXHIBIT G <br />November 1, 2021 <br />Attn: Willard Holt – Treasury & Customer Services Manager <br />20 Civic Center Plaza <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />Dear Mr. Holt, <br />Your Government Banking team at JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. (the “Bank”) is extremely excited for the <br />opportunity to continue our successful banking relationship with the City of Santa Ana (the “City”). As your <br />incumbent financial services provider over the past five (5) years, we trust you have found our expert advice, <br />industry insights and state of the art treasury products valuable and responsive to the ongoing needs of <br />the City. <br />Based on our conversations and understanding of the City’s goals, we are proposing the following with <br />respect to our banking relationship, subject to execution of a mutually agreeable amendment to the <br />current Banking Services Agreement: <br />•Extending our current Banking Services Agreement for an additional Five (5) years beginning January <br />1, 2022; <br />•Pricing for pre-existing services that are listed in Exhibit B or Exhibit B-1 of the current Banking Services <br />Agreement will remain the same during the extension term as will pricing for services listed on such <br />exhibits that are added during the current term of the agreement; <br />•This pricing will also be maintained for new services requested by the City via any mutually agreed to <br />change order made during the five-year extension term, provided that the new services are listed in <br />Exhibit B or Exhibit B-1 of the current Banking Services Agreement; <br />•In the event the City requests any service that is not listed in Exhibit B or Exhibit B-1 of the current <br />Banking Services Agreement and the Bank agrees to provide such service, the implementation of such <br />service shall be subject to additional terms and fees to be mutually agreed upon at the time of the <br />City’s request; <br />•Earnings Credit to be calculated at a Bank managed rate 1, currently 23BPS; and <br />•A one-time Twenty-Thousand Dollar ($20,000) retention allowance provided by the Bank to the City to <br />be applied to banking supplies or equipment purchased from the Bank over the next Twelve (12) <br />months beginning January 1, 2022. <br />We appreciate the opportunity to continue serving the City’s banking needs, and look forward to <br />hearing from you. <br />Sincerely, <br />JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. <br />By: Yolanda A. Mates <br />Yolanda Mates, Authorized Officer <br />1Bank managed rates are reviewed and updated periodically by the Bank after considering a range of factors, including the <br />market rate environment. <br />JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A., 3 Park Plaza Irvine 9th Floor, Irvine CA 92614 Telephone: 213-804- <br />4659 Email:
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