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SR-55/Ritchey Water Improvement Project <br />Construction Management & Inspection Services <br />Pre -Construction Meeting <br />During the pre -construction meeting, we will review preliminary schedules, discuss procedures, and <br />begin to build a collaborative stakeholder team between the contractor, the City, the designer, Berg, and <br />third parties. The requirements and intent of the scheduling effort are also discussed. This is the first <br />opportunity to work with the contractor to establish a mutual understanding of the project goals: <br />• The schedule is a team effort <br />• Communications with team members is important <br />• Consistent and clearly defined reporting is critical for effective communication <br />A key item of discussion during the Pre -Construction Meeting will be the communications process for the <br />project. We develop a "Responsibility Assignment Matrix" that includes the City, the designer, and the <br />CM staff that clearly lays out communications protocols. This is a communications tool that can help the <br />contractor understand who he will be dealing with for any particular issue. Other agenda items include <br />project constraints, "work-arounds," utility coordination process, and anticipated submittals. <br />Community Meeting <br />Together with the City, Berg will assist the City to implement an approved iii " <br />strategy to mitigate construction impacts, respond to public inquiries, and <br />fear Resltlens,Milne— and Community Members, keep the local residences and businesses informed. Regularly scheduled <br />Storting eorN May of 261 ?.a city contractorwll begin <br />Cya bat— ofactusA ImprovementsA Randall meetings with the field staff and the City will help to provide accurate <br />Aus heNreen Cactus Ave and RNarslde Ave- Ihese <br />Improvements WIU wlden Randall A— and mpr <br />aalll,�gtorpedestmons.alcydistsandvahlale,- dissemination of construction activity information. The key to keeping <br />wt,al to <br />. Construcllan eglllpm,ont and llgN viba]Ilon commuters and residents tolerant of project construction is frequent and <br />''MermlBes,u.,adattheClhpropa',mt don m advance sharing of project impacts detours schedule, and benefits to the <br />Please 6e assured that the City and cuntmdar are > > <br />taking a praocine appmnch to mitigating noise as <br />much as possible while still conducting the ne—y community. We will make sure that there is plenty of advance notice to all <br />work. <br />;t Ico For schools, residents, and businesses that may be affected. <br />Your Patience and Cooperalion Schedule & Budget Review <br />Establishing an agreed -upon schedule of values to break down lump <br />sum bid items will facilitate an accurate assessment of work progress <br />and streamline subsequent payment to the contractor. Our management <br />team is diligent to make sure that the amount paid to the contractor never <br />exceeds the value of the work done in the field. <br />Contractor schedules are important tools in the schedule management <br />effort. These submittals demonstrate whether the contractor has an <br />understanding of what needs to be done to complete the work and <br />highlights what they think may be critical. The schedule must also reflect <br />material and equipment procurement including the time for shop drawing <br />approval. Our team will review the contractor's baseline schedule, analyze the critical path, and establish <br />a clear understanding of project milestones. <br />The contractor is responsible to submit a CPM schedule for the project, which is the base tool used to <br />monitor Project progress, plan the work and keep 3rd Party entities aware of work activities that affect <br />them or work windows they will be using. <br />We will ensure the following are included in the contractor's CPM schedule: <br />1. All work activities <br />2. All shutdown notifications <br />3. All 3rd Party work windows (Caltrans RCB, MCI fiber optic relocation, SCE pole relocation) and <br />3rd Party notifications of their windows <br />Berg & Associates, Inc. 12 <br />