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SR-55/Ritchey Water Improvement Project <br />Construction Management & Inspection Services <br />Water Pipeline Replacement Improvement Project <br />City of El Segundo <br />Berg served as primary construction manager for this Bid - <br />Build project. Approximately 950 feet of existing old water <br />mains, located primarily on two residential streets, were <br />replaced with 8" —12" ductile iron pipe. In addition, 22 water <br />services and 2 fire hydrants were replaced. The project <br />included laying of new pipe, installation of gate valves, fire <br />hydrants, meters, air relief valves and associated laterals <br />as well as connections to existing systems, chlorination, <br />flushing, pressure testing, and reconstruction of the trench <br />and roadway to final grade. Additionally, 2 existing valves <br />were removed and replaced at the request of the water <br />department. This extra work was tracked and paid on a <br />T&M basis. <br />Mike served as lead inspector, overseeing the contractor's <br />daily activities, monitoring contractor schedule and <br />provided issue -resolutions in the field. <br />Pacific Coast Highway at Hawthorne Boulevard <br />Intersection Improvement Project I City of Torrance <br />The first phase of this two-part project replaced the <br />water main at the intersection of Hawthorne Boulevard <br />and Pacific Coast Highway and included work with 8", <br />12", and 16" water lines. With many shops in the area, <br />it was important to properly implement traffic control so <br />construction would not impede on access to businesses. <br />Other project services included trench excavation, pipe <br />laying, sidewalk reconstruction, cold milling, HMA paving <br />operations, pavement striping, and curb making. The <br />project also included streetlights, traffic signal systems, <br />and the installation of traffic signal loop detectors. <br />The second phase of this project has just kicked off and <br />will widen the intersection at Hawthorne Boulevard and <br />Pacific Coast Highway to in order to create dual left-hand <br />turn lanes and right -turn pockets at all four approaches. <br />New PCC pavement sections will generally consist of <br />Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement (JPCP) over Lean <br />Concrete Base (LCB) over Class 3 Aggregate Base. <br />The project will also include traffic signals, a water main <br />installation, relocation of catch basins, a small retaining <br />wall, new landscape, and irrigation. <br />Success Story: When the contractor had significant weather delays, Berg's inspector made sure to <br />inspect the traffic control set-up and message boards even when the contractor was not working. He <br />discovered that the contractor had a defunct message board that would stop working, so he documented <br />the issue and worked with the contractor to make sure there was always effective traffic control in place. <br />Berg & Associates, Inc. 17 <br />