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of the RR bridge. After the construction of the railroad bridge was completed, he oversaw placement of the <br />mainline tracks as they went back in service on new bridge. He also worked closely with the railroad during <br />construction of approximately 1.5 miles of solider pile wall. Dominic was responsible for monitoring traffic <br />control measures to minimize impact to commuters and commercial vehicular traffic. <br />Inspector, Cesar Chavez Tunnel Improvements, Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA, <br />Metrolink), Los Angeles, CA. Berg & Associates, Inc. 2014. Dominic inspected the retrofitting and <br />rehabilitation of the bridge that carries railroad tracks into Union Station over Cesar Chavez Avenue. The <br />predominant night work involved sealing cracks in the concrete and joints, sounding concrete to identify <br />locations of loose or cracked concrete, and repairing areas as needed. <br />Civil/Electrical Inspector, Los Angeles Union Station Lighting & Customer Information System <br />Improvements, Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA), CA. Berg & Associates, Inc. 2012 — <br />2014. Dominic provided inspection of the lighting portion of this $5 million project which included <br />retrofitting of platform lighting and track yard lighting with energy efficient LED lights, upgrading the <br />electrical panels and installing fiber optics and closed circuit camera systems along the tracks within one <br />mile of Los Angeles Union Station. Dominic also provided electrical inspection of new circuit wiring, the <br />installation of over 60 LED fixtures for the Illumination of all the tracks entering Union Staion and retrofitting <br />of over 250 canopy lights on the various platforms funded by Homeland Security. Additionally, the 17 <br />cameras, 5 LCD monitors and 36 custom LED Customer Information Signs with a fiber optic backbone <br />system were installed. Dominic coordinated with SCRRA signals personnel to maintain train operations <br />throughout the project. <br />Civil/Electrical Inspector, Los Angeles Union Station Platform 7, Southern California Regional Rail <br />Authority (SCRRA), Los Angeles, CA. Berg & Associates, Inc. 2011 — 2012. Dominic provided electrical <br />inspection on this $10 million new Metrolink Platform and three railroad tracks at LA Union Station. Dominic <br />inspected 480V of wayside power for trains, power to new glass house structure, canopy lighting, 350K <br />generator installation with automatic transfer switch & commissioning, 480V site system, step down <br />transformers and a new electrical room for the station platform improvements. Dominic provided oversight of <br />platform construction to PUC and SCRRA standards. He verified track bed was suitable for rail construction. His <br />duties also included communications system inspection for new prefab building, a PA system, CCTV, LED signs, <br />ID signs, LCD display and fiber optic system. He performed submittal reviews for all electrical and <br />communications items. The project included installation of a new platform with a canopy of 920 feet in length <br />for AMTRAK trains, installation of new tracks on both sides of the platform, a drainage system and installation <br />of a Customer Information System. Dominic coordinated with SCRRA signals personnel to maintain train <br />operations throughout the project. <br />Civil/Electrical Inspector, I-10/Riverside Avenue Interchange, San Bernardino County Transportation <br />Authority (SBCTA, formally SANBAG), Rialto, CA. Berg & Associates, Inc. 2011— 2012. Dominic provided <br />daily civil and electrical quality assurance inspection, reports, estimates, and monitoring of construction activity <br />and installations for this $34 million Interchange replacement project; funded by state and federal funds as well <br />as Redevelopment Agency funds. The project replaced the existing five -lane bridge over the freeway and upper <br />tracks with a nine -lane bridge, reconstructed on- and off -ramps, constructed new retaining walls and widened <br />Riverside Avenue. <br />Construction Manager, Energy Efficient Intersection Safety & Street Lighting Retrofit Project, City of <br />Pomona, Pomona, CA. Berg & Associates, Inc. 2011— 2012. Dominic provided construction management <br />for this APWA award- winning TIGER -funded project to retrofit approximately 4,200 City -owned street and <br />intersection safety lights with reconditioned, energy efficient "QL" induction, cobra head luminaries. He <br />Berg & Associates Inc. <br />