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Item 16 - Balancing Act Software Suite
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
11/02/2021 Regular and Special
Item 16 - Balancing Act Software Suite
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Last modified
8/17/2023 8:35:18 AM
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8/17/2023 8:35:10 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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8 <br /> <br />SOW shall be attached to and incorporated into this Agreement as an Exhibit <br />through an Amendment to the Agreement signed by both Parties. Except as <br />otherwise provided, any Additional Services to be performed by Balancing Act <br />shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement. <br /> <br />C. Fees. Client shall pay Balan cing Act pursuant to the Fee Sch edule selected by <br />Client and attach ed hereto as Exhibit “C.” The total amount to be expended <br />during the Term of this Agreement shall not exceed $55,000. <br /> <br />2. FEE PAYMENT AND TIMING. <br /> <br />A. Fees. In consideration of Balancing Act’s granting of access to the Site and <br />performance of the Services, hereunder, Client shall pay Balancing Act fees, and <br />reimburse Balancing Act for expenses, each in the amounts and in accordance <br />with the payment terms and conditions specified in this Agreement and on <br />Exhibit C attached hereto (collectively, the “Fees”). <br /> <br />B. Late Payment. Except with respect to amounts disputed in good faith, all amounts <br />due under this Agreement, if not paid within 45 days of the due date, shall be <br />considered late and shall accrue inter est at the rate of one and one-half percent per <br />month or the highest amount allowed by applicable law, whichever is less. <br />Should collection activities become necessary, Client agrees to pay all fees <br />relating to said activity. <br /> <br />C. Client’s Failure to Pay. Client’s incurring of a late payment (as determined in <br />accordan ce with Section 2(B)) shall be considered a material breach of this <br />Agreement. As such, until such breach is cured by way of full payment, Balancing <br />Act may (i) refuse to deliver the reports, materials, and other deliverables that it <br />would otherwise be obligated to deliver hereunder, (ii) cease performance of any <br />Services, (iii) issue a notice of non-payment to Client, which, if not satisfied within <br />15 days after the receipt thereof, shall constitute grounds for Balancing Act to <br />terminat e this Agreement or th e SOW applicable to the Services. These rights are <br />not exclusive, and Balancing Act reserves its right to seek any oth er rights or <br />remedies provided in law or equi ty. <br /> <br />D. Taxes. All amounts payable to Balancing Act as specified herein are in United <br />States dollars. Client shall be responsible for any tax es imposed on the transactions <br />contemplated by this Agreement, including all sales, use, value-add ed, excise and <br />other similar taxes (but specifically excluding taxes in, or measured by, Balancing <br />Act’s income).
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